Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Are You Prepared For Success? (Installment #8)

(If this is your first time on this site, please begin with "Are You Prepared For Success [Introduction.])

As previously stated, self-talk, also works on negative messages, such as the examples that I previously described. Therefore, you must make a commitment not to repeat any negative messages, negative judgments, or negative attitudes that you have about yourself as you begin the program. After a very short time you will readily be able to identify the negative messages. After all, the negative attitudes and feelings that you have about yourself are not true and will be, shortly, eradicated from your conscious and, more importantly, from your subconscious mind.

This process uses passion with pleasure in a repetitive format to touch deep emotional chords. This combination forms, what I call the "Empowerment Triad." This is a critical combination that will work to change your attitudes from negative to positive, from those of a loser to those of a winner; it will change the way you feel about yourself; it will change the way you view your world; it will enable you to achieve the success you desire and deserve. You will be able to soar like a bird.


Be like the bird

That, pausing in her flight

A while on boughs too slight,

Feels them give way

Beneath her and yet sings

Knowing that she hath wings.

-Victor Hugo





Remember desired success can be more than financial. It can be personal growth (health, scholastic, etc.) You can have multiple desires and work on them simultaneously. Once you begin to satisfy a desire, and you know that you won't quit until that desire is realized, then you are experiencing success.

Life affords no higher pleasure than that of surmounting difficulties, passing from one step of success to another, forming new wishes and seeing them gratified.

-Samuel Johnson

The "Empowerment Triad" is the heart of the process. Positive messages contained in the rhyming poetry (I will discuss the reason for rhyming poetry a little later.) Rhyming poetry is the soul of the process. With the heart and soul feeding the mind, this is a sure way to success.





By Mel Kaye
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