Friday, June 22, 2007

Are You Prepared For Success? (Introduction into Section II)

(If this is your first time on this site, please begin with "Are You Prepared For Success?" [Introduction])

In "Section II" I strongly suggest that you express how the poems make you feel. You may want to use the following list for ideas on what to write:

  • Write down your immediate reaction, after passionately reading each poem.
  • Do you understand what the poem is saying to you and can you put it into your own words?
  • List examples in your own life.
  • Do you welcome the message as a truth that you can accept?
  • Can you identify negative attitudes that you would like to replace?

You can use the “Comments” section at the end of each post to write your feelings. You can identify yourself or you can remain anonymous. By doing it this way you may also help others. That decision is completely up to you.

Be sure to use the "Empowerment Triad" of PASSION, PLEASURE & REPETITION whenever you read the poems. This is what will drive the messages into your mind and help facilitate the desired changes.

Remember, you have to be an active participant. Your active involvement is critical to the change process. You will find this process to be cleansing as you prepare for success.

I must again emphasize that you use the appropriate version (male or female.) I will post each one in a separate post and label each one as Male or Female.

By Mel Kaye
Copyright © MondayMorningPower, All rights Reserved


I use the word “power” a great deal in my writings. In fact, the first mention is at the beginning of my site “Attitude, the Ultimate Power” and in almost every essay that I write.

Apparently, this has caused some consternation with my readers. The following comes directly from a comment placed on one of my posts by Ramana (Rambodoc at large.)

“What is real power? Except for people who deal with issues that affect the lives of nations or entire planets, the most important achievement for an individual is to define the limits of his power. How important is it to be powerful? I think it is important only to the extent you can control your own life, not the lives or outcome of others. I say this because regardless of how inflated an opinion of self each of us may have, think of one thing: "If I die tomorrow, what happens?" The answer is humbling: exactly NOTHING! The world goes on with sublime disregard. So, how are we important? We are, but to our own lives. Once we lose the need to impress others with our power and influence, we will focus on self, and that is ALL that is needed to be successful and happy."

What Ramana is saying is very close to how I view “power”, but obviously, I was not very clear as to my meaning. In fact, I was not clear at all. For that I apologize.

This got me thinking, and as I told Ramana, that can really hurt. The way that I use the term “Power” is not necessarily the same way that others may use this term. My concept (definition) of “power” is inwardly directed, not outwardly directed.

The three major definitions of "power" are:

    1. Authority
    2. Strength
    3. Ability

In my writings “power” is best suited to the "ability" definition. So, in my description of "power" try substituting the word "ability."

The power that one has over his/her own life; the power not to give control of your happiness over to others; the power to control your own destiny; the power to NEVER take on the role of a victim, and the power to succeed in life. At no time in any of my essays or anything that I write or infer do I use the word power as influence over anyone other than yourself. This is absolute and unwavering in the whole concept of my blog.

He is most powerful who has power over himself.

Philip Massinger

By Mel Kaye

Copyright © MondayMorningPower, All rights Reserved