Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Web Site Recommendation

Honestly, how often do we surf the web looking for new and interesting sites. Well, the other day I came upon this site that actually does that for you; it's called the Web Runner. In the words of the Web Runner:

"Welcome to the WebRunner where we make your day a little less mundane.

This is an archive of special websites that I come across in my travels through the internet. We all know how time consuming searching the infinite web can be. Here I find them so you don’t have to. The sites showcased here, I feel are deserving of recognition as they are in some way unique, useful, entertaining or just plain weird. I hope you enjoy them."

Every site that I have visited as a result of the Web Runner has been fun, interesting, unusual on occasion, but definitely worth visiting.

I highly recommend that you take a look for yourself. You will quickly get hooked.

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