Sunday, December 30, 2007

Nice Matters Award

I Want to thank Michelle of Rusin Roundup for giving me the following "Nice Matters Award." I will pass it on at a later time.

7 weird things about me tag

7 weird things about me tag from Colin of Life.

Here are the rules:

Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog. Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself. Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a notification on their blog.

  1. My office has 2 computers kitty corner to each other; 1 for my job and the other for personal and blogging use.
  2. I work at home and my three Dachshunds spend the whole day in my office with me. I have a wonderful work environment.
  3. I am a night showerer; I hate going to bed dirty.
  4. I have discovered that if I eat standing up it doesn't count. I just wish the mirror and the scale could be convinced of that.
  5. I am a weekend warrior; I do little exercise during the week, other than walking my dogs for 20 minutes per night, and I play 90 minutes of breakneck tennis every Sunday morning.
  6. When I fly I have to have an isle seat or else I will not get into the plane.
  7. I drive much too fast.

Now, I tag the following: