Thursday, December 18, 2008

Digital Conversion

It is mostly the elderly that will have to convert their analog televisions to digital come 2/17/09.  The following video represents, what could be, a typical conversion.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Picture of the Year

The intensity of the dog's face shows more sincerity than most people! 

Dear Lord:
Thank you for bringing me to Timmy's house and not to Michael or Vick's -- AMEN!' 

Monday, December 1, 2008

Promising Blog Award

Blogging is a unique way to communicate with, what could be, a wide and diversified international audience. For people who have something to say, blogging is a wonderful vehicle. Blogging allows anybody to express themselves without cost and with little restriction. However, it does take time and energy to develop a readership; which is why I encourage all serious new bloggers to follow my 14 Rules to Increase Blog Readership and to participate in my "Spread the Word Directory." Now, there are search engines and various other programs that can help in attaining “traffic.” The way I see it there is a huge difference between “traffic” and “readers.” I am far more focused on establishing “readers.”

I believe that new and talented loggers need encouragement and support. Until an audience and a community can be established, blogging can be a frustrating experience. Finding your way can take time and many new bloggers fall by the wayside in the critical first three months of their blog's existence.

My best advise is to stick to it and don't give up. Blog for yourself because you love blogging. Blog with passion, because without passion blogging will get old fast. Do what you can to find your audience and if you are talented and have something worthwhile to say, it will happen, especially if you follow my advise (14 Rules & Spread the Word Directory).

I have witnessed many blogs fall victim to the perceived lack of interest in their blogs because of their lack of readers and comments. This is sad because more times than naught, perceived lack of interest is because nobody knows that you exist.

Because of this heavy new blogger drop-out rate I have created this "Promising Blog Award" called "Keep On Truckin." Receiving this award means that I, or one of my friends, have recognized your potential and with your perseverance, so will others.

I will present this award as I become aware of new and promising blogs. There are no hard and fast rules. Some of what I look for is: content, layout, style, flow, dedication, passion, and "are you having fun?" I will be relying on my own discoveries as well as the recommendations of my friends.

To my friends: I encourage everyone who reads this post to inform me of promising new blogs that you come across. I will check them out and if I agree I will present the award.

To all prospective award winners: Please leave me a comment with a link to your site and I will review your blog and make a determination.

To all award winners: Please copy the code below and place this award on your site. I also strongly suggest that you place the entire list of winners on your site as well. This will insure an ever growing exposure for promising new blogs. Now, “Keep on Truckin...”

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Award Winners:

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