Sunday, May 6, 2007

Are you a Monday Morning Winner?

Well it's Monday morning again and we are all ready for the challenges of the week, or are we. What have you done to prepare for the week?

  • Have you played out the week in your mind yet?
  • Have you seen yourself succeed?
  • Do you see yourself rising every time you fall?
  • Do you believe in your ability to accomplish anything that you set your mind to?
  • Do you know, in your heart of hearts, that you will never quit and you will never give up?
  • Do you have a positive attitude, an attitude that believes anything is possible?
  • Well, DO YOU?

If there is a goal that will drive all other goals it’s answering YES to all of the above questions.

Attaining and then keeping a positive mind-set is the only way that you will truly succeed.

There are many "success" based products, books, tapes, DVDs seminars and god knows what else to help excite you into buying more products, books, tapes, DVDs and seminars. If you’ve sat through any of the available seminars, and there are lots of them; it’s almost like participating in a religious revival. Their main goal is to keep you excited so that the money keeps flowing into their coffers. There are always going to be a number of participants that do achieve "success." Those are the ones who have been prepared and whose mind has been properly trained and those testimonials are usually enough to keep the "religion" flourishing. If you are like the vast majority of us, your mind has not been trained and the promised success will always elude you. I’ll have a lot more to say about this in future postings.

Now, let’s get back to making you a Monday Morning Winner.

Try a mantra as you are preparing for the week:

I know I can, I know I can, I know I can, I know I can, I know I can, I know I can, I know I can, I know I can, I know I can, I know I can, I know I can, I know I can.

As you continue with the mantra, you will, at a subconscious level first, and then at a conscious level, begin to interject some of your goals for the week after each “I know I can.”

Do this for a bout 5 minutes.

Then follow it up with:

I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will.

As above, you will begin to interject some of the same goals.

Do this for about 5 minutes.

In direct contradiction to what all of the so-called “experts” say, there is no magic bullet and no “secret.”

Your mind is like a muscle, it has to be trained. If you go the gym in order to build muscles and sculpt a better body, it is a long journey, but at the end of that journey you will have the body that you desire. In the same fashion, if you want to be successful you need to train your mind to succeed. This is also a long journey. It takes work and there is no better time to begin than right now! As the saying goes, “Every journey begins with a single step.” Are you ready to take that step. You need to train your mind to both prepare for success and also to accept it when it will inevitably come.

There will be much more to come in future posts.
By Mel Kaye
Copyright © MondayMorningPower, All rights Reserved


  1. It is so true!! your mind is a muscle like any other part of the body that needs excersised to train, to become strong and powerfull. If you tell your self that you can do it instead of cant, you will achieve in life. its all about having a postive frame of mind. i total agree with what your saying and doing.

  2. De-cee, Thanks for your comments. I appreciate the kind words.

  3. thats ok we have to empower each other and instill postive energy to one another.

  4. Hi, Mel! I was actually looking for your 1st post. Anyway, what you said here is true. Even my nephew who was 6 at that time would say “I think I can, I think I can…” by just watching his father trying to light up the fire for the barbeque...:)
