Friday, May 25, 2007

Are You Prepared For Success? (Installment #2)

The vast majority of us are not equipped (prepared) to pursue the same type of success that we read about. Therefore, not being truly prepared, our endeavors towards success would result in failure, if the pursuit of success was even attempted. The inability to succeed has been scripted for so many of us to such a degree that we won't even try. So, more than likely, failure, or feeling like a failure would be the natural outcome. This default resignation to failure could easily lead to depression. Also, believing that deep within that we are not worthy of success (to be discussed later), therefore we make no attempt at success. This could result in a prolonged depression.

The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.

-Frank Lloyd Wright

Action defeats depression

We all, pretty much, have the same wants and desires as the successful person. However, most of us have a great deal of difficulty making that jump from wanting success to having success. For most of us, there seems to be something missing.... an element that is essential for the attainment of success.

This missing element (essential factor), as most of these books either state or infer, is a winning attitude. That winning attitude is that we first, "truly believe" that we "can," then we "do;" a winning attitude combination for sure. This may seem over-simplistic, however, it is the essence of what makes a person successful.

Men who say it cannot be done, should not interrupt those doing it.

-Chinese proverb

Do or do not. There is no try.


Can do..

-U.S. Navy Seabees

They can because they think they can.


The saddest aspect is that most of us never figure this out, and if we do, we don't know how to truly attain this attitude. We continue for the rest of our lives only existing. We dream and think about how it could be, not realizing that this is how it can be; we just dream our dreams without knowing that we can live our dreams.

Most people live their lives in quiet desperation

- H. Ross Perot

For of all sad words of tongue or pen,

The saddest are these: 'It might have been!

-John Greenleaf Whittier

I believe that there is a process that anyone can use; a process that will enable you to get from where you are now to where you need to be; a process that can prepare you (transition you) to succeed; a process that:

  • will enable "non-believers" to cross over to the side of "true believers";
  • will enable you to believe in yourself;
  • will turn a loser into a winner;
  • will turn failure into success;
  • will turn your life around;
  • will enable you, if you have the desire, to truly succeed;
  • will enable you to make the successful connection between your emotions and your thoughts;
  • will enable you to be bold, where you were once timid;
  • will enable you to change your attitudes from negative to positive;
  • will enable you to see and then seize opportunities.
  • will enable you to get out of your own way

The enormous multiplication of books in every branch of knowledge is one of the greatest evils of this presents one of the most serious obstacles to the acquisition of correct information, by throwing in the reader's way piles of lumber in which he must painfully grope for...scraps of useful matter...

-Edgar Allen Poe

There is no security on this earth, there is only opportunity

- General Douglas MacArthur

By Mel Kaye
Copyright © MondayMorningPower, All rights Reserved

Go to Installment #3


  1. Hmmm... now I'm interested to read installment 3. I like what you're saying about fostering positive thinking... There is always a positive element in every situation, even if it is not readily visible (sometimes one just needs to look closer). I personally feel that the key to success is doing good things for other people... Karma will always bring good things back to us down the line.

  2. Doing good things for others is being a good citizen of the planet earth and we should all attain this state of responsibility. I also believe in Karma, however, to expect good things to be returned because of this is giving over control of a part of your life to the "universe" in a sense. Do not expect anything, you will, more times than not, be disapointed. Taking control of your life and thus your happiness is what "The Process" is all about.

  3. Yes, the power of failure is so boldly placed b4 us that it can sometimes seem impossible to achieve anything. There are so many successes in our environment, it can come closing in oppressively and undeniably stifling. You've got the key here. We make it happen for ourselves - nobody else can do it for us. *huggies* and more power to you, Mel, for making this real.

  4. Chuck,

    It is very "real." This entire "Process" has been created as interactive. I want my readers, whether it be 2 or 2,000,000 to truly get in touch with themselves and come out as "winners."
