Sunday, July 8, 2007

Are You Prepared For Success? (Section II - Installment #8 "It’s Never Too Late!” - Male and Female versions)

(If this is your first time on this site, please begin with "Are You Prepared For Success?" [Introduction])

It's Never Too Late!

You're no longer young. Are you past your prime?

The realization sets in. Are you running out of time?

You know what's needed, the changes you must make,

The direction you must go, there's so much at stake.

But your comfortable and content with the way you are.

Your "failings" are like friends, who don't stray too far.

It's really so easy, there's no effort required,

After all, by day's end, your so very tired.

You try and try and try and fail.

Over and over its the same old tale.

You search for a reason to make the change,

A life altering reason, for your world to rearrange.

Will you again rationalize your fears and not make a move?

Will you stay where you are, in that same old groove?

Or will you dare take a chance on what might be?

Do you have what it takes to really be free?

Your life will be different, no longer the same.

Look ahead with hope, don't look back in shame.

Your past wasn't a failure, a sham or a fake,

Don't look at your life as one big mistake.

Your past has a purpose, a reason for being.

It's what has prepared you for this time of seeing.

Your past was the groundwork for this step to take.

Your future is waiting. It's your decision to make.

There's no magic answer for you to discover,

No hidden secrets for you to uncover.

Don't look for guidance, the answer's in you.

You know what you need, you know what to do.

(An original Poem by Mel Kaye)

I strongly suggest that you write down your immediate reaction, after passionately reading this poem.

  • List the changes that you would like to make in order to move towards the future that you most desire.
    • Are you willing to make these changes?
By Mel Kaye
Copyright © MondayMorningPower, All rights Reserved

Go to Section II (Installment #9)


  1. Hey Mel,

    "Your past has a purpose, a reason for being" - I would say that everything in life has a purpose, a reason for being :)! As a mystic I know that everything in life bears a lesson, we are here to learn all that we have to learn and become wiser (which can be viewed as being a bit closer to God, since life and its mysteries reflect God's Supreme Wisdom).

    I already made the changes I needed to move towards my future: I stopped partying so much lol; and began focusing more on my future and personal goals. I prioritised my life.

    It was hard to change, cause after all I was having fun and I was still young (extremely young: 26) but that's life and I am sure God knows what He does :)!

    I loved this poem; it had a strong message (and a very deep one too, spiritually speaking)! Congratulations Mel :)!!!

    Now, I am moving on to the next section....


  2. Max,
    For you, this is only a reinforcement of what you already know. However, There are millions of people out there who wallow in there "failed" pasts and need to learn from the past and move towards their future.

    I would like to make a slight revision of what your said "everything in life has a purpose, a reason for being :)" -- "everything in life has a purpose, a reason for being, but only if we, as individuals, recognize it."

    There is no purpose if that purpose is not recognized. It's like that old saying "if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, was there any noise?"

  3. Mel,

    God designs purposes that we know nothing about, that many of us do not recognise (and I was talkin about those who have no faith); still it doesn't mean that the purpose isn't there, that God didn't design it...right?

    I loved the tree example; very good! But I can tell you that yes, there was still noise...the animals heard it :)!


  4. Max,
    I have been giving your response quite a bit of thought before replying.

    You strongly believe in "God's grand design" and are very big on "faith." Without getting into a theology discussion, which, I admit, I'm not very well equipped to do, I deal in a more practical sense. What I mean is that whether there is a grand design or not, whether we are an accident or not, whether we are an experiment or not, I believe there is more than the physical and we are all connected....whether that connection is "God" or something metaphysical, other dimensional, or something completely out of our realm of comprehension, we are all here in this reality for a finite time and we need to make the absolute most of our time here on earth. (BTW, I do believe that this connection survives our physical death.....see, I do have faith.)

    I like to deal in the here and now in a way that both god fearing people and non-god believers can understand and apply. I like to stay away from the "Grand design" concept and stay with the "How can I be the best I can be?"

    Each person's universe is unique to them and they have to relate to their perception of reality....I try and stay in a reality that everyone can relate to. If discussing the "grand design" totally alienates the individual, then nothing has been accomplished. This is why I, purposefully, keep any concept of "god" out of my writing and my process.

    Now to bring it have showed me that you can relate to what I write, even though there is no mention of "God" anywhere. So, I do believe that I am accomplishing one of my goals.... relating to "believers."

  5. Hey Mel,

    I am sorry about the delay of this reply, but you know how it is when weekend is near lol...

    "What I mean is that whether there is a grand design or not, whether we are an accident or not, whether we are an experiment or not, I believe there is more than the physical and we are all connected...." - I agree with you, there is much more than the physicall and we are all conected indeed :)...we are in accord so far...

    "Whether that connection is "God" or something metaphysical, other dimensional, or something completely out of our realm of comprehension, we are all here in this reality for a finite time and we need to make the absolute most of our time here on earth. (BTW, I do believe that this connection survives our physical death.....see, I do have faith.)" - lol I never doubted that you had faith (having faith in the human being and his abilities is a form of having faith in God). I agree again that we live for a finite period of time here on earth, and that we must make the most of it (I am not going get metaphysical here, nor throw you my mystic thoughts)...

    "I like to deal in the here and now in a way that both god fearing people and non-god believers can understand and apply. I like to stay away from the "Grand design" concept and stay with the "How can I be the best I can be?"" - it is your destiny to act like that, and I do support you on your "mission" my friend. Your message is an important one, and if you reach the non-God believers as well as the believers, great; cause you are taking them light *bowing*.

    "If discussing the "grand design" totally alienates the individual, then nothing has been accomplished. This is why I, purposefully, keep any concept of "god" out of my writing and my process." - discussing the "grand design" doesn't alienate anyone; only people can alienate themselves from the several discussions going around...that is why I engage in all of them (except when there is ignorance and disrespect). No one has the power to alienate me from whatsoever, only I do that to myself...

    "Now to bring it have showed me that you can relate to what I write, even though there is no mention of "God" anywhere. So, I do believe that I am accomplishing one of my goals.... relating to "believers."" - lol you are totally relating with this believer *bowing*!

    Thanks for having this conversation, Mel, it only proved that you are as interesting as I thought you were :D!

