Friday, July 13, 2007

Are You Prepared For Success? (Section II - Installment #10 "The Achiever” - Male and Female versions)

(If this is your first time on this site, please begin with "Are You Prepared For Success?" [Introduction])

The Achiever

The power of positive

Thinking is great.

As to this fact

There is no debate.

Great feats can be achieved

By woman or man

Simply because

You believes that you can.

Whatever the field,

Whatever the goal,

Whatever the task,

You know in your soul,

You know that it's true,

That no great achiever

Ever achieved greatness,

Not being a believer.

You too can be great,

Its not reserved for the few.

The next great achiever

Can actually be you.

You too can attain

These loftier heights.

Believe in yourself

And reset your sights.

(An original Poem by Mel Kaye)

I strongly suggest that you write down your immediate reaction, after passionately reading this poem.

  • What do you need to believe in order for you to achieve?

Copyright © MondayMorningPower, All rights Reserved

Go to Section II (Installment #11)


  1. Every so often we have to remind ourselves that we are worthy of believing in ourselves. So nice to be reminded.

  2. Hey Mel! I am ready for success:100% ready!!!! All I need is attitude and to believe in Myself!
    I sent you an email, but since google has this annoying thing of sending my mails back, I'll post it here:

    I know that they can just flag you for Spam just like that, and then block your blog; disabling you from publishing your posts! And when you contact google help, not only they don't reply you immediately but also take 24h to fix the problem! I had to send 15 messages in 4 different languages befores they fixed my problem! Now my blog is ok again!

    Oh yes, when I first put sitemeter's code, it also ruined my template, that's why I changed it! But go to help group, insert the error code, and on the sidebar you will read others' experience and it will help you to fix it (that's what I did)!


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