Sunday, July 29, 2007

Happiness Made Simple

  • I will be happy when………
  • I will be happy if…………..
  • I will be happy after……….
  • I will be happy (any conditional statement)..........

  • I am happy because……….
    • (There is always a “because!”)
  • I am grateful for (whatever makes up the "because")


  1. Good one...very insightful, once again!

  2. Mahendra,
    Thank you...I always value your opinion.

  3. Whenever people choose to judge and place conditions on happiness, then they buy into the fear of not having it.

    One kind of vision places time constraints on feelings. Efforts to control create fear, which itself doesn’t exist. This forgets positive feelings like happiness and love are unlimited to anyone who is open and chooses to experience them.

    Personally, I choose to use mind and soul to expand my insight into happiness in ways the physical body and traditional, self-imposed limitations are incapable.

  4. Thanks so much for the post, pretty helpful information.
    Marinated Beef Province Style
