Sunday, July 8, 2007

Your Mission Makes Itself Known Through Your Passions

If you have read me previous posts then you know that I am very big on the use of passion to accomplish attitude changes and that I am also big on taking control of your own life. The other day I came across this essay that I though was very interesting. Please read it and let me know what you think by leaving a comment. Personally, I'm torn; it sounds like destiny, and I'm not sure that I agree with that. However, it also makes a lot of sense.

Your Mission Makes Itself Known Through Your Passions

By Ineke Van Lint, psychologist a spiritual and educational coach

We’ve all come to earth with a unique mission. This is a special assignment. How can you find it? Your mission can be found inside yourself. It has been “imprinted” in your soul long before you were born. You can find clues about your mission by looking to your natural interests. Your mission is connected to your passions, your preferences, your spontaneous interests, and your desires. Looking at what attracts you, over different periods of your life, gives you important clues about what your mission is in this life.

There are certain connections between the significant events of your life. These connections may not be noticeable at first glance, because you’re probably too busy running around and doing all kinds of things that have nothing to do with your mission. The following exercise helps you find the common theme in your life, and to classify different components of your life.

Answer the following questions for the three main periods in your life: childhood – adolescence – adulthood.

  1. What did you like doing when you were a child, a teenager, an adult? What were your favorite activities?
  2. Where did your natural interest flow towards during each of these life periods?
  3. Towards what kind of people did you feel naturally attracted to in each of these periods?
  4. Towards what kind of places did you feel naturally attracted in each of these periods?
  5. Towards what kind of books did you feel naturally attracted in each of these periods?
  6. What was your natural drive during these periods?

Try to find the key, the common factor in your answers. What is the unifying element during your life span? Do you see the connected dots; the leading element? There is one, that’s for sure. Try to find it: it’s important! Completing this summary will assist you in choosing the future course of your life with more awareness. This enables you to become the creator of your own life:

  1. What kind of books do you want to read in your future?
  2. What kind of people do you want to meet?
  3. What places do you want to visit?
  4. What kind of activities do you want to do?
  5. Which passion do you want to follow?
  6. What still drives you, what do you absolutely want to do before your life comes to an end?

Without being aware of it, you have already been busy from time to time accomplishing your mission. Your mission makes itself known through the things that naturally attract you, that interest you, that automatically motivate you. Your mission also makes itself known through your dreams, desires and passions.

Some other questions to help you find out about your passions and your dreams:

  1. If your life were a book, what would be the title?
  2. What would be the title of the current chapter?
  3. What would be the title of the previous chapter, and of the following one?
  4. What would be the end of the book?

Write down the last paragraph of your life book. Once again, you can see that YOU determine the course your life. Be more active and consciously choose how you want to spend your days! Life is much more exciting like this, and you’ll notice you can really co-create your life! It’s better than passively drifting along, right?


  1. What a great article on how to find your ideal life! So many of the points are what I encourage my life coaching clients to think about. THANKS! Allison

  2. I posted a link to this post from my blog.

    Happy Monday!

  3. Hey you!
    I believe in destiny, and because I believe in it this type of quiz is of no use! It is interesting no doubt, but it doesn't work since it all depends on your memories of your childhood (which not always are clear; in this case you'd have to ask your parents to do the quiz for you), it may depend on your mood at the time, and other factors!
    For fun's ok, I guess! But it won't tell you who you are, what you should do, or what path to choose...

  4. Hi Max,

    I agree with you. The quiz does have its flaws. I am not a true destiny believer. However, following your passions is key to a fulfilling life and a deeper understanding of who "you" are.

    As I thought, this article is giving rise to an interesting discussion.

    Thanks for your input.

  5. Some other questions to help you find out about your passions and your dreams:

    If your life were a book, what would be the title?

    The Female Bill Gates!

    What would be the title of the current chapter?

    She is on her way to becoming the female Bill Gates!

    What would be the title of the previous chapter

    Her mind is telling her that she can do it!

    What would be the end of the book?

    She is giving Bill Gates a run for his money!

  6. Sister2Brother,
    I always say "Think Big" that's BIG. Nice addition to this post.
