Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Are You Prepared For Success? (Section II - Installment #20m "Can’t” – Male version)

(If this is your first time on this site, I recommend that you begin with "Are You Prepared For Success?" [Introduction])

If you are a female reader please go to #20f.


Can't is the worst word that is written or spoken;
Doing more harm here than slander and lies;
On it is many a strong spirit broken,
And with it many a good purpose dies.
It springs from the lips of the thoughtless each morning
And robs you of courage you need through the day:
It rings in your ears like a timely sent warning
And laughs when you falter and fall by the way.

Can't is the father of feeble endeavor,
The parent of terror and halfhearted work;
It weakens the efforts of artisans clever,
And makes of the toiler and indolent shirk.
It poisons the soul of a man with a vision,
It stifles in infancy many a plan;
It greets honest toiling with open derision
And mocks at the hopes and dreams of a man.

Can't is a word none should speak without blushing;
To utter it should be a symbol of shame;
Ambition and courage it daily is crushing;
It blights a man's purpose and shortens his aim.
Despise it with all of your hatred of error;
Refuse it the lodgment it seeks in your brain;
Arm against it as a creature of terror,
And all that you dream of you someday shall gain.

Can't is the word that is foe to ambition,
An enemy ambushed to shatter your will;
Its prey is forever the man with a mission
And it bows but to courage and patience and skill.
Hate it, with hatred that's deep and undying,
For once it is welcomed 'twill break any man;
Whatever the goal you are seeking, keep trying
And answer this demon by saying: "you can."

(Based on a poem by Edgar Guest)

I strongly suggest that you write down your immediate reaction, after passionately reading this poem.
  • What would you like to do but think you can't (within the bounds of physics, decency, morality and the law)?

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  1. This is like a picture my parents used to hang over our front door so we saw it everytime we went out. It had a little seagull struggling to fly, and this poem under it.

    If you think you are beaten, you are.
    If you think you dare not, you don't.
    If you like to win, but think you can't, It is almost certain you won't.
    If you think you'll lose, you've lost.
    For out of the world we find success begins with a fellow's will
    It's all in the state of mind.
    If you think youa re outclassed, you are.
    You've got to think high to rise,
    You've got to be sure of yourself before you can ever win the prize.
    Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man;
    But sooner or later the man who wins, is the man who thinks he CAN !!

  2. Karen,

    This is one of the poems that I use in my "Process." It is one of many that has deep meaning for me.

  3. hey buddy
    my blog is just about coolest wallpapers of cars n bikes
    but your blog is just amazing with a lot of info which is worth reading.
    gud job.

  4. Here's what it made me think of (even if it's not exactly a can-can't thing):

    Luke: "I'll try."
    Yoda: "NO! *Do*... or do not. There is no try."
    Mr Miyagi: "You karate do 'yes', or you karate do 'no'. You karate do 'guess so' - >squish< - just like grape."

    Hard to get more inspirational than Yoda and Mr. Miyagi.

  5. ...or this one that I just thought of (paraphrased):

    Sun Tzu: "The victorious warrior wins first and then goes to war. the defeated warrior goes to war first and then tries to win."

    (I don't really read Sun Tzu, I got it from Civ 4.)

  6. I agree, both Yoda & Mr. Miyagi have positive things to say, even if they, themselves, are fictional. Gain wisdom from whatever source projects it. It is our individual duty to determine what is wisdom and what is nonsense. Deciding the difference between the two is one of the goals of my "Process."

  7. Can't my behind. People told me I can't and I showed them I could. Can't isn't in my vocabulary. This post is good for both male and female. I'll go read the female one now. I should tell you what I did for a living huh? Have a great day. :)

  8. hi, thanks for visiting my site...i have added you to my blog roll on my site!!...take care!!...and EAT CHEESE!

  9. comedy +,

    OK, you have got my interest. What did you do for a living before you were able to retire at 53. I am so jealous. Also, on my female and male versions of my posts, the differences are very subtle, however, when I start to post "Section III" the differences become HUGE; not in the words, but in the results. You will just have to wait and see what I mean.

  10. posted a linc to that write on my site just now!!...hope ya dont mind!!....god bless...and welcome to my new blogger friends!!....Jackie is my favorite girlfriend through bloggin...but i love to meet new friends!!...go look!!

  11. Darlene,
    I will take a look. I am pleased that you placed the link.

  12. Thank you, monday morning power for the comment and link exchange. I have added your link to my site. Hope to see my link up soon. :)

    Cheers to a good life.

  13. G'Day there Just added your link thanks AC
