Sunday, August 19, 2007

From 2 Columns to 3 Columns, Successfully!

  1. Create a test blog using the same template that your current blog is on.
  2. Copy over some posts, your blog header and some of your side bar stuff, just some
  3. Go to this site: and read the post
  4. Go to the “New Widget Version”
  5. “Select all”
  6. “Copy”
  7. Open up “Notepad” and “Paste”
  8. Save
  9. On your test site go to “Template”, “Edit HTML”
  10. Check off “Expand Widget Templates”
  11. “Select All”
  12. “Copy”
  13. Open up “Notepad” and “Paste”, then save
  14. Go back and erase the code form your template on the test blog
  15. Go back to the notepad and “Select All” and then “Copy” (the new code)
  16. “Paste” the new code where the old code was
  17. Click “save template”
  18. You will lose most of your sidebar information, including all widgets.
  19. “View Blog”
  20. Take a look and see if you like it.
  21. If you do, then copy everything form your sidebar, including all widgets, from your old blog over to the test blog and put them in the order that pleases you.
  22. No need to copy “Labels”, “Archives”, “Posts” or blog header
  23. If you are satisfied, then do it for real on your site.
  24. When completed, copy back the widgets to your real blog
  25. Fine tune; font sizes and colors.
  26. You are done.
Disclaimer - I take no responsibility for any issues or lost data that may result.

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  1. Hi - I added you to my blog today..
    Peace~ John

  2. Hi, just added you to my blog's favorite links. thanks for everything. nice blog.

  3. Done ! A post dedicated to you and your new look !

  4. Interesting, although im afraid to do it because Google is always watching ;)

  5. Good Monday evening to you, Monday morning power ! I like your technical ability !

    You came over to my blog while I was away and asked if I was interested in mutual links -- let me mosey around a bit and check out some more of your posts, and then I'll be better able to make a decision, okay ?

  6. Okay, I moseyed a bit, MMP.
    You have a good blogroll, and we share some of the same people/interests !

    I will add you to my thoughtful places links, and come here to check on your updates -

    - and will add you to my 4 leaf clover links instead if you comment regularly on my blog as well !

    Loving Annie

  7. 26 steps and then a disclaimer? That seems like a whole lotta effort for something that deosn't even come with a money back guarantee.

  8. baba,
    Oh, it works....I just do not want to be held responsible if a step was missed along the way; especially since I giving it all away for free.

  9. It looks great! I'm glad everything transferred safely.

    Because of you, I tried to put a 3rd column on mine too.

  10. Walkinonsunshine,
    Thanks. I hope it works for you. I have my fingers crossed.

  11. Mel,

    Thank you for the tip! Man, it is a whole bunch of work. I shall keep this link for later ( for when I wish to change the layout)!
    You're an Angel!


  12. I finally went to 3rd column thanx to you.Come and see what you think!!!

  13. Steven,
    Congratulations....I will come by and take a look.

  14. My only problem was that I wasn't able to change the color for the Movie World Header.So I recreated one with photoshop!!!Thanx once again,you are a great inspiration!!


    I think I will able to attract more traffic!!

    God Bless
