Sunday, October 21, 2007

5 Strengths / 4 People

I was tagged by MAX for this wonderful meme.

Here’s how it’s done:

“So, here’s the challenge: make a list of five strengths that you possess as a writer/artist. It’s not really bragging, it’s an honest assessment (forced upon you by this darn meme). Please resist the urge to enumerate your weaknesses, or even mention them in contrast to each strong point you list. Tag four other writers or artists whom you’d like to see share their strengths”

  1. Encouragement to live life to the fullest: My reason for blogging in the first place is to encourage people to take control of their lives by always possessing a Positive Mental Attitude. I believe that this is doable without having to spend money on shrinks, seminars or books.
  2. Ability to Help People: I have created a "Process" that can be applied to the most negative person and help him/her turn that negative energy into positive energy. I had to share this with the world and blogging give me that outlet.
  3. Creative Outlet: I find that blogging unleashes my most creative energy. I have come up with ideas, concepts and, yes, even memes that have proved very successful. This in turn fuels even more creativity. I have always been positive, but this helps me take it to a new level.
  4. Quest for Clarity: I find that writing my thoughts and opinions down in a blog helps me gain clarity, especially when I am challenged. I have changed my views in a couple of instances because of logical and clear challenges. I find a level of intelligence amongst bloggers that is much higher than in the normal populace.
  5. Ability to make Friends: What I did not expect, and what has been the most pleasant of surprises is that many of the people that I have met, the authors behind the blogs, have turned out to be real friends. I feel like I can trust and, yes, love some of my new friends. This has been more of a discovered ability since I began blogging.

And now I would like to read about the strengths of the following artists/writers:

Sandee from Comedy Plus: a truly funny site. This is where you go to laugh and to think.

Ann from A Nice Place in The Sun : a wonderful place to go if want to feel happy. She specializes in children

Mahendra from An Unquiet Mind: Intelligent and very thoughtful writing about about the world with a definite focus on India.

Lynda from Lynda's Loft: In her own words, Lynda "is in love with love."


  1. Thanks Mel, I appreciate that. I like this meme... 5 strengths, not hard to do.. not at all... will get on it as soon as feasible... Thanks again...

  2. Okay Mel, I'll play along. Thanks for thinking of me. Have a great day. :)

  3. Lyn & Sandee,
    I'm glad that you have both decided to take this on. I am very curious to see what you have to say.

  4. Thank you Mel, For thinking of me once again. You're right this one looks like fun. I'll get to it.

    I hope you're having a nice week-end, and I appreciated your nice e-mail.


  5. Hi Ann,
    I am looking forward to reading yours.

  6. Mel,

    Excellent meme! I agree with you one doesn't need to spend money on shrinks. All they have to do is install an internet connection and access your blog: their self-esteem problems will go away, session after session, and on top of that: they can laugh! I want to read the "Redneck User Guide", I am sure it is funny!

    Thanks for having participated :).


  7. Max,
    Thanks....I have always appreciated your support.

  8. Post is up Mel. Thanks again for thinking of me. Have a great day. :)

  9. That's why I love your blog, Mel. Full of jokes and also serious stuff to help people become more positive in life. YEEESSSS!!!


  10. Dear MMP,

    Thank you. I've already responded to this meme earlier at:

    I feel honored you thought of me while passing this on. I feel very grateful. Thank you very much!

  11. Mahnedra,
    I will take a closer look at your site and read your responses.
