Sunday, September 14, 2008

Are You Prepared For Success? (Section III - Installment #16 "It’s All In My State of Mind” – Male & Female versions)

(If this is your first time on this site, you may want to begin with "Are You Prepared For Success?" [Introduction])

If you are a regular reader of my Empowerment Process please read the Section II version of this poem first (male version, female version); then read this version.  

Winning...What Is It?

It's All In My State Of Mind

If I think I am beaten, I am.
If I think I dare not, I won't.
If I'd like to win, but think I can't,
It's almost certain I don't.
If I think I'll lose, I've lost.
For out in the world I'll find
Success begins with my own will-
It's all in my state of mind.

Full many a race is lost
Ere even a step is run,
And many a coward falls
Ere even their work's begun.
I'll think big, so my deeds will grow;
If I think small, I'll fall behind;
I'll think I can, so I know I will-
For it's all in my state of mind.

If I think I'm out-classed, I am;
I will think high, so I will rise;
I will be sure of myself
So I can win the prize.
Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster than;
But sooner or later, I'm going to win
And it's because I know I can.

(Based on a poem of unknown authorship)

I strongly suggest that you write down your immediate reaction, after passionately reading this poem.
  • Your mind is a powerful tool and thoughts can influence actions.  What will you convince yourself of?
Stay Tuned.......


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  2. Hey Mel,

    I thought this poem was familiar: I went to the previous version and there it was - my comment!
    I must say that using the personal pronoun in the first person renders this poem even more powerful: well done!

    "Your mind is a powerful tool and thoughts can influence actions." - absolutely!!! Only our mind can destroy us; and only our mind can make us reach the top.
    Power to the Mind, I say!!!

    "What will you convince yourself of?" - at this moment I need to convince myself that I will lose 3 cms in my waist...and I will, give me two months (we must avoid stretch marks lol)! Other than that, self-esteem is already so high, I am already convinced of so many things that if I keep up I will become unbearable *nodding*.


  3. Max,
    You can do ANYTHING. I have no doubt.

    BTW, I understand, from reading some of the comments on your site, that you are now married!

    CONGRATULATIONS!! Lucky, lucky guy.

  4. Hey Mel,

    Thank you for the support :D!

    Yes, I did get married last Saturday (civil marriage, small thing for family only...the big ceremony will come soon): thank you :D! I also think he is a lucky guy LOL LOL...seriously, in truth I am the one who is lucky :)!
