If you have read my “Process,” then you know that I strongly believe in the Triad of “Passion”, “Pleasure”, and “Repetition.” I believe that true change can happen if this triad is implemented. In addition, I have always believed that there is something very special about the number "3." I have three kids and I have three dogs (Dachshunds.) I have been recently discussing this theory about the number "3" with Max. She feels that it is "magical" number. Well now I have three sites. We’ll see how magical it is.
Each of my new sites encourages submissions by you, not just in the form of comments, but with content (adding the new dimension that I previously mentioned), in the following way……….
My “Attitude” site is focused on the Pursuit, Capture, Care and Feeding of a Positive Mental Attitude, with a significant focus on "happiness." In order to be able to accomplish this we need to, actively, be able to do two things:
- Complain and then let go (Dump the baggage, the roadblocks to happiness.)
- Express Gratitude (The open expression of gratitude promotes happiness.)
My two new sites enable us (me too) to actively complain when needed, and to openly express gratitude for what we have:
- ComplainComplainComplain.Com encourages you to compose a complaint (serious, funny, and yes, even a blatantly obvious add for your site if you are so inclined.)
- AreYouGrateful.Com encourages you to compose a "Statement of Gratitude" (why are you grateful and/or what are you grateful for?)
I encourage each of you to come on by and leave a deposit at each site. After all, I have yet to meet anyone who doesn’t have something to complain about and/or something to be grateful for. Each deposit will be linked back to your site. In addition , growing link-love is part of the process.
Technorati Tags: New Sites, Complain, Gratitude