Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Are You Prepared For Success? (Section II - Installment #30 "Foundation” – Male & Female versions)

(If this is your first time on this site, you may want to begin with "Are You Prepared For Success?" [Introduction]) (Please keep in mind that, although this poem can stand alone, it is meant to be part of a progression of poems that are part of an entire process.)


Your foundation is near completion now.
Your attitude's in place.
Your confidence is growing strong,
As you increase your power-base.

Your past is just a memory;
A name without a face.
Never again will you ever run
In a rigged and futile race.

As you leave an era of your life,
You do so without disgrace.
Your future is awaiting you.
Your obstacles you will erase.

As you move towards your destiny,
With opportunities as vast as space,
You'll soar and swoop and live your dreams;
Your life, you'll now embrace.

(An Original Poem by Mel Kaye)
I strongly suggest that you write down your immediate reaction, after passionately reading this poem.
  • What is your destiny? (Keep it positive!)
  • What was your destiny?

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  1. Liara,
    Great example of how we are in control of our own lives. By having the confidence that we can handle what ever life throws at us empowers us to take the risks that might prove the most fullfiling and fruitful.

    Thank you for your inspiring comments.

  2. Very good I like it. Yes your past is the foundation for the rest of you live. You learn, integrate new experiences and you get stronger.

  3. Marja,
    There are 2 ways of looking at this. Yes, your past can be the bases for a strong Foundation. But, your past can also be the bases for a very weak and shaky foundation. My reference is based on having read Section I and Section II of "The Process." In other words, your can create a new foundation if you recognize the weaknesses of your current one.
