Monday, October 22, 2007

Monday Morning Power

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I am starting a new feature today. It has been too long in coming. By shear coincidence I am calling it “Monday Morning Power.” I wonder how I came up with that name?

Well it’s Monday morning again and far too many of us dread, what I believe is an absolute gift. To me, and hopefully to you, Monday morning is the beginning of:

  • A new adventure
  • New goals to achieve
  • An awakening
  • A fresh start

For as long as I can remember I have always looked forward to Monday morning and the challenges that it brings. It’s always been an exciting time of the week. What am I going to accomplish this week? What new friends will I make? What will I discover? What will I uncover? What heights will I rise to? The possibilities are infinite!!

We should all embrace Monday morning as if it is a cherished friend.

Now go out and let the world know that you matter and no one will, or can, hold you back. Stake your claim and make it happen!!!!!

And guess what? If you fall, you have the ability to get up and do it again. The only failure is to quit. Don’t ever, ever, ever quit!!!!!

Just remember, “You have the Power!”

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  1. YYYEEESSSSSS!!! I agree with you! Let's never ever give up! ;-D

  2. Amel,
    I know that you would appreciate this.

  3. Well, I'm not working anymore so I love Monday's. Okay, it just really doesn't matter what day of the week it is most of the time. I do agree with the positive slant you have here. Have a great day Mel. :)

  4. I can't for the life of me connect the content of this post with the picture. But that's ok, they're both good.

    The cat should be glad that remotes and beer bottles are not white - they make a good signal that the sofa is occupied. White cat on white sofa is an excellent opportunity for an undesired >squish<.

  5. Sandee,
    My post relates to whether we are working or not. I treat Monday as a new beginning.

  6. Baba,
    The cat has the power and don't mess with him. It's a stretch, I know, but I just couldn't resist the picture.

  7. Hmmm. Well, for me—I suppose ‘cause I just gotta be different—that would be “Tuesday Morning Power.” Since I worked (preached) on Sundays, Mondays became my Sabbath so Tuesday was the first day of my work week.

  8. Well I for one am having a totally fabulous Monday. Although it is somewhat difficult typing while my hubby is driving the truck...just a wee bumpy...LOL!!! But, I am just so excited to be on this adventure so this mornng our first morning out was especially exciting. We are headed for Iowa in the a.m and will final out with this load in Wisconsin on a ball we are!! And, even though typing is difficult I am finding more time to drop in and visit my freinds...wonderful post Mel....I hope you have a fabulous Tuesday as well. ~Jackie

  9. Nick,
    I wouldn't have expected anything less from you. For you, Tuesday it is.

  10. Jackie,
    My first thought was, "your kidding....typing while driving?!?!" Then I realized that us bloggers are a little nuts....I would be doing the very same thing. Have a wonderful time on the road.

  11. Thanks Mel. This picture made me laugh. I needed this post.


  12. My week is a bit different from others. I work friday, saturday and monday. Than my weekend starts
    I love my work so monday is always fabulous and its the last day before my weekend. Have a great day

  13. Ann,
    I just couldn't resist the picture.

  14. Marja,
    Monday Morning is really synonymous with what ever day begins your week.

  15. That cat looks more like Sunday afternoon.

    Funny shot.


  16. Oswegan,
    I just like the picture so much I tried to make it work. It is more like a Sunday afternoon, isn't it?
