Sunday, November 25, 2007

7 Random/Weird Facts About me

Tagged by Diamondssaphire of Nonsense, fun, tears, happiness & anger all rolled into one! for 7 Random Facts and tagged by Petula of It's a Woman's World for 7 weird Things About Me. So I thought that I would combine the two into one.

  1. I went completely bald at age 25.
  2. My wife and I sleep with three Dachshunds in our bed
  3. I have three grown kids, 2 boys and a girl. We have three Dachshunds, 2 boys and a girl.....I know, we have issues.
  4. Blogging, to me is like living a fantasy. My wife is a teacher and I always envied her ability to shape lives. Now, with blogging I get to experience some of what she does. What I say is read by many and I am shaping some lives. With this comes a responsibility that I take very seriously. I am living my fantasy.
  5. My step dad is 91, blind in one eye and is on his second year of a 5 year driver's license, which scares me to death.
  6. I work at home, which I absolutely love.
  7. I believe that blogging, next to my family, is the most important thing that I do.
I will not be tagging anyone on this meme. However, if you would like to take this on, please do.

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  1. Great job Mel. You blog so well too. Have a great Sunday. :)

  2. Sandee,
    I appreciate the compliment. Thank you. You have a great Sunday also.

  3. I came over loved the 7 meme - What did you want me to get??sk i beati

  4. this is very good, #5 is great. I came to tag you for the same meme but I will give you a break. Thanks for stopping by my place, I may have to cop some of your cats....

  5. My hubby shaves his head bald. We have 2 birds and 2 snakes. Loved your meme. Great job. How did you make your button that is so cool?

  6. Sarge,
    You are more than welcome to them. I'll give you the URLs if you like. Just let me know.

  7. Kasper,
    I'll make you a deal. Participate in my directory, the link is on my sidebar and I will make you the button using your logo with your site name on it. I will also include the code display so that it can be put on other sites with a link-back to yours.

  8. Kasper.
    Your badge is ready. I need your email address.

  9. Great answers, I wish I could work at home too!

  10. what do you have for my site?And how do I put on?Everytime I try something disappears??thanks Mel.. sk

  11. Well, Mel, now I know t more things about you!

  12. INTERESTING list, Mel!!! I couldn't help laughing about your two boys and girl...and dogs ha ha ha ha ha...

    I LOVE working at home, too!!!! I used to work at home, too...tutoring kids and then I translated books full-time he he he...

  13. DS,
    I feel really fortunate to be able to work at home

  14. Nick,
    Is that a good thing or a ..........?

  15. Hi Mel Thanks for this. I really enjoy getting to know more about you. How great to work from home. I am not nosy Just want to know everything. What are you doing for work Mel? Have a nice day

  16. Hi Mel Thanks for this. I really enjoy getting to know more about you. How great to work from home. I am not nosy Just want to know everything. What are you doing for work Mel? Have a nice day

  17. Hi Mel Thanks for this. I really enjoy getting to know more about you. How great to work from home. I am not nosy Just want to know everything. What are you doing for work Mel? Have a nice day

  18. MEL! I knew we had this friendship/love you as a fellow Blogger thing for a reason, I felt like we were friends for reasons not known to me, then I read this post.... OMG, my Husband and I sleep with three Dachshunds also , ours are 2 boys and a girl also LOL Tadpole, Sherman and little Sister.... WOW!
    I work at home also and love it again, I also think Blogging is one of the most important things I do in each day... Wow Mel I am so glad we are friends... and don't you get a little tired of no blankets at the end of the nights sleep LOL or them tunneling their way where ever they must in the bed LOL
    Dachshunds are just THE best pets...
    Hugs sweetness, I'm back and Life is good again because of it LOL

  19. Judy,

    WOW, I knew that there was more too it than just blogging. The names of my Dachshunds are Dexter, Oliver and Lucy.

  20. as you already know I grow-up with dashshunds and my parents have 2 they are so spoiled. (the dogs) they sleep with my parents to. and I love to blog to but im not that good at it.:) lol have a good day

  21. Stacy,
    As long as you have a passion for it and are doing it primarily for yourself, you will get better.

  22. Hey Mel,

    What an interesting meme :)!
    My comments:

    1. Don't worry, it happened to my brother.
    2. LOL LOL really? Wow...
    3. I find that so cute...*tender face*! A happy family :).
    4. Congratulations, Mel *bowing*! You sure do shape people's lives :).
    5. Blessed be you step dad :).
    6. Me too. I utterly love it!
    7. Speechless :).


  23. Max,
    I love your comments, all of them.

  24. Your love of blogging really shows in your work! :)

  25. Olga,
    Thank you for the compliment!
