Monday, December 10, 2007

Are You Prepared For Success? (Section III - Installment #2 "Bargain With Life” – Male & Female versions)

(If this is your first time on this site, you may want to begin with "Are You Prepared For Success?" [Introduction])

Please read the Section II
male version, or female version, of this poem first; then read this version.

Bargain With Life

I will not bargain with life for a penny
Because, then life would pay no more,
However I would beg at evening
When counting my scanty store.

For Life is just an employer,
And gives me what I ask,
But once I have set the wages,
Then, I will bear the task.

I will not work for a menial's hire,
I will not be in a state of dismay
Because any wage I ask of Life,
Life will willingly pay.

(Based on a poem of unknown authorship)

I strongly suggest that you write down your immediate reaction, after passionately reading this poem.
  • Refer back to the "Section (II)" "Comments"
    • Write an affirming statement of how you will never settle again.


  1. We did well with life, at 70 I can not think of a thing I need.

  2. Sarge,
    Excellent! For me, I will always have at least one more thing to accomplish, while being happy with what I have.

  3. Hi Mel,
    that was a good poem don't really know what it means but anyway just wanted to stop by and say HI!!! have a good day

  4. Hi Kelcey,

    What the poem means is that you can do anything you want in life. Set the bar high.

  5. Hey Mel,

    Another great poem: loved it :)!

    I wouldn't bargain with life, anyway, cause it is useless. I just accept it as it presents itself to me, and I am thankful to God for it everyday :).
    God is my boss, and I know that His way is the best for me, and that I am successful because of His plans for me *bowing*! I don't fight it (well, I used to, but then I grew up); I don't fall in dismay...I continue to walk in this path called life with a smile on my face (although sometimes I feel like kicking some butts).

    "I don't settle now and I never will! Success if my goal, and I won't rest until I reach my personal aim; which I will!".

    Great challenge, Mel! Thanks :).


  6. Max,
    You always seem to add some additional insights into my poems. Thank you. I must say, when writing this stuff I think of "what will Max have to say?"

  7. Hello Mel,

    lol you are so kind :D! I just follow your instructions: write your reaction immediately after passionately reading this poem :)! So, I just write my reaction to it! No need to thank me, it's my pleasure *bow*!

    lol you do? That's quite an honour :D!


  8. Max,
    It's now that the "passion" aspect really kicks in, because Section III is all written in first person. This is where it affects the emotions and this is where the messages take hold.

  9. Mel,

    It was well thought; cause passion is an emotion that is very personal, don't you think so?

    Writing in the first person does bring people closer to the message, it's true...

  10. I talked toa man today 89 who said he was so happy with the life he had even the down times. He said every day how blessed he is ..

  11. Sandy,
    Thank you for sharing this. (Big smile on my face!!!)
