Saturday, December 1, 2007

November Blessings

It's that time of the month again for me to publicly acknowledge the wonderful gifts that were bestowed upon me during the previous month. To everyone below, with humility, I graciously accept these awards and will treasure them always. Thank you all!

"Brad the Blogbee" was awarded to me by Ann of "A Nice Place in the Sun" on 11/29/07

Presented to me by Daszzle of Something To Smile About on 11/25/07

Presented to me by Judy at Sugar Queen's Dreams on 11/17/07

Planted on me by Sandee of "Comedy Plus" on 11/17/07
Awarded to my by Sindi of My Life is a Roller Coaster on 11/17/07

Awarded to me by Amelia of "Amel's Realm" on 11/17/07
Given to me by Max of "Max" on 11/17/07

Awarded to me by Colin over at Life on 11/16/07
Presented to me by Jackie of The Painted Veil on 11/11/07
Be The Blog award

Presented to me by Jackie of The Painted Veil on 11/15/07

Presented to me by Marja of DUTCHCORNER on 11/13/07

Awarded to me by Ann of "A Nice Place in the Sun" on 11/13/07
Be The Blog award

Given to me by Ann of "A Nice Place in the Sun" on 11/13/07
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Awarded to me by The Little Aussie Cynic on 11/13/07
Be The Blog award

Awarded to me by Sandee of "Comedy Plus" on 11/12/07

Given to me by Ann of "A Nice Place in the Sun" on 11/12/07
Awarded to me by Sandee of "Comedy Plus" on 11/11/07
Be The Blog award

Awarded to me by Sandee of "Comedy Plus" on 11/11/07

Awarded to me by Amelia of "Amel's Realm" on 11/11/07
Be The Blog award

Presented to me by Jackie of The Painted Veil on 11/11/07
Be The Blog award

Awarded to me by Amelia of "Amel's Realm" on 11/8/07

I have just been awarded this Beautiful Site award from Judy at Sugar Queen's Dreams on 11/2/07


  1. That's quite a few for one month! I add my blessings to your for the coming month.

  2. got lots of awards in 1 month :) Congratulation for all your awards ^_^;;

  3. hugs Mel, I just gave your award BACK to you sweety pie, come get it LOL.... I am almost done decorating so I can start baking Monday for that party.... 300-400 cookies here I come LOL

  4. Judy,
    300-400 cookies....can I come over to your house?

    I will be right over the award. Thank you.

  5. I've subscribed to your blog so I can visit frequently.

    Congratulations on all the awards!

  6. Misty,
    Thank you for the subscription. I look forward to your visits.

  7. That's a ton of awards. You deserve each and every one. Have a great day. :)

  8. Wow.. you got so many awards! congrats Mel.. thank you for visiting me last few weeks, sorry it took me so long to come here. :-)

  9. Hi Trinity,
    Now that you are here, I hope you come back.
