Friday, February 29, 2008

Cats, part 1

This is part one of a three part post.

Technorati Tag:


  1. OMG!!!! I've decided to vote you the funniest blogger in the sphere. If I only knew how to create an award. But, then again, not sure you would take it. Oh well. Just so you know. That's what matters. Have a great weekend, Mel!

  2. Chuck,
    Thanks for the thought. However, I would accept the award. I am just awful, though, about passing it back out. I have a pending post with all the awards that I have been given over the last 6 weeks. I just haven't posted it yet.

  3. Awww..cute cats.. I like the "swimming"cat..hahaha...

    yeah, I agree with chuck. You & your blog are definitely FUNNY. And with that, I'm giving you an award..hehehe...take it Mel. I just love your blog.:)

  4. Absolutely lovely kitties, two of which I’d not collected but now have! Thanks, Mel.

  5. Darlene,
    They are cute. I keep coming back myself to look at them. I personally like the "danger" one.

  6. Madamoiselle,
    I will be right over. Like I stated above, the "danger" one is my fav.

  7. Nick,
    You're welcome. Stay tuned. I have 2 more installments of this post. coming.

  8. Camoflage. A cat in a shoe. hm.

    Was it not the TV Show "Friends" that introduced us to the classic tune "Smelly Cat"?

  9. Love the totem kitties. Not sure if this is a repeat or not. I'm getting lost at sea...

    Your message bottle is now afloat in the vast blogosphere ocean. You are Message In a Bottle #64.
    Feel free to toss in a bottle whenever you feel the urge to send a message. The blog ocean is always open. You never know what might wash ashore.

    Message In a Bottle #64

  10. Baba,
    Be know what happens when a bird gets too close to a cat

  11. Mimi,
    You need to come up for air. You have told me that my message has been posted. But, thanks.

  12. Music Box,
    Totem Cat seems to be quite popular.

  13. I LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUVVVVVVVVVV all of themmmmmmmmmmm (as you probably know) HA HA HA HA...;-D

    My fave is "I Sense Danger" 'coz I've never seen a cat does that before and I've never seen any picture like that before he he...

  14. Amelia,
    Danger Cat is my favorite also.
