Friday, February 15, 2008

Menopause Jewelry

I think that you ladies will like this..........

My husband, being unhappy with my mood swings,
bought me a mood ring the other day so he would be able to monitor my moods.

We've discovered that when I'm in a good mood, it turns green and when I'm in a bad mood, it leaves a big frickin red mark on his forehead.

Maybe next time he'll buy me a diamond... Dumb ass!

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Turbo Tagger


  1. Ha, ha, ha! "Maybe next time he'll buy me a diamond" :DDDDD oooh, it rules ;DDDDDD

  2. Great blog, by the way :D

  3. Zephyr7,
    Thanks.....maybe next time.

  4. Ha Ha Ha, Great one Mel!

    By the way, you've been tagged for the After the Fifth Sentence On Page 123 Meme, optional of course. I just wanted you to know someone's thinking about ya~ :)

  5. Ann,
    I'll come on over and take a look. Thanks,

  6. Hey Mel,

    LOL this is nasty *nodding*! To tell you the truth I never heard of such symptom, I have heard of PMS causing mood swings...but hey perhaps women over there are different lol.

    Anyway, I came to tell you that I have awarded you as a token of my deep friendship for you, Mel:


  7. this is good Mel..
    now I know I can put my rings to good use LOL...

  8. Max,
    Let's face the best of ways, you're not the typical woman. Now I have offended everyone else (LOL.)

    I'll be right over.

  9. Kim,
    I hope my wife doesn't read this.

  10. Ooh I love this! So husbands out there should know this: There's no better way to know the wife's mood swings unless you get those diamonds...hahaha..sounds materialistic but diamondds DO prevent husbands from getting those red marks! A guarantee..hahahha...

  11. Madamoiselle,
    Let's face it, men are not know for their sensitivity....I know, I am one.

  12. Ah, the old mood rings...what a blast from the past. I think my poor husband would love to have something to gauge my moods through menopause. Diamonds wouldn't hurt the cause either.

  13. Bwahahahahahaha, very well done. :)
