Monday, June 4, 2007

Are You Prepared For Success? (Installment #7)

(If this is your first time on this site, please begin with "Are You Prepared For Success [Introduction.])

This process (to be described later) has been designed to remove the dark glasses, to remove the negative attitudes and replace them with clear glasses; positive attitudes. This in its simplest and most basic form, is the purpose of this program.

Fortunately false truths can be eradicated by repeating to yourself positive, affirmative, messages to replace the negative, debilitating messages you may have been programmed with. You will be able to remove the "prior consent" that you unwittingly gave to others that made you feel negative about yourself. This is one of the goals.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself-nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.

-Franklin D. Roosevelt

If you truly feel that these negative attitudes you have about yourself are true, and you feel you can back them up...not only with real life examples of how you have failed, but also listing others who hold low opinions of you...consider this:

The reason that you may have concrete examples of why you are a failure is that, due to early negative programming, again, probably as a child, you believe that you are a failure and unconsciously, you want to prove yourself right. Therefore, you, at a subconscious level, will do everything within your power not to succeed. You may, subconsciously, continuously sabotage yourself. You set yourself up for "Catastrophic Expectations:" You expect the worse to therefore, it will happen.

Nobody holds a good opinion of a man who has a low opinion of himself.

-Anthony Trollope

Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

-Henry Ford

Now, take a look at the reverse. What do you think would result if you were to, without doubt, believe that you will succeed? Yes, you probably would indeed succeed. If negative beliefs, negative thinking and negative attitudes lead to failure, then it also follows that positive thinking, positive beliefs and positive attitudes will lead to success.

I will never quit, I know that I will succeed, therefore success is inevitable.

Doubt is a thief that often makes us fear to tread where we might have won.

-William Shakespeare

How, then, do you begin to achieve these attitudes? - Positive self-talk (also known as auto-suggestion) begins the process. Self-talk is the process of speaking to yourself. Yes, talking to yourself. In fact, as you follow the process you will be talking to yourself, out-loud, and enjoying it. Self-talk must be of a positive nature, consisting of self-affirming and self-motivating, messages...not the negative messages that may have been shaping your life up to now.

Most all of us have been involved with self-talk at some point in our lives. For many people it is an on-going process. You have probably experienced negative self-talk, without even realizing it. When ever you hear that little voice in your head saying "I can't," or "That's impossible," or "That's too hard," you are experiencing negative self-talk. You are reaffirming what you believe is an accurate assessment of your capabilities with confirming self-talk. However, this assessment has no basis in fact and will not apply to the person you will become. This assessment was based on prior programmed negative messages, as was referred to earlier. To repeat, these are negative messages that were previously told to you, probably at a time in your life when you were susceptible and/or trusting. Once these messages have been repeated enough times, and you believe them to be true, you invoke self-talk as a way of reinforcing them. This process may take place consciously or subconsciously. A partial list of these messages were previously detailed.

Self-talk is a very powerful tool and can make dramatic changes in your life. The objective is to use it in a targeted, guided and positive way.

Positive self-talk is at the heart of the process. You will be giving yourself pep-talks, motivating yourself, building up your spirits, changing your negative attitudes into positive ones, and reinforcing any existing positive attitudes that you may have. This will be accomplished in a rather unique, fun and powerful way.

By Mel Kaye

Copyright © MondayMorningPower, All rights Reserved

Go to Installment #8


  1. Like you I am a postive thinker and after many struggles throughout life it is how I managed to make it through. I am a firm believer that positive energry draws positive energy. I try not to surround myself with really negative people. I enjoy your blog!

  2. Being positive is the only way to be. The alternative is so foreign and toxic and an absolutely horrible way to lead a life.
