Saturday, January 19, 2008

Are You Prepared For Success? (Section III - Installment #6 "The Past Is Gone!” – Male & Female versions)

(If this is your first time on this site, you may want to begin with "Are You Prepared For Success?" [Introduction])

If you are a regular reader of my Empowerment Process please read the Section II version of this poem first; then read this version.

The Past Is Gone!

I feel no regrets for opportunities lost;
I will not dwell on wasted time.
Of this I am sure, and I openly state,
"It is now that I am in my prime."

What's gone is gone, what's left is left.
These facts I cannot rearrange.
I'll let go of the past, and grab hold of what's left.
Now is the time for the change.

What remains is the future. What remains is now,
And it will all play out like a dream.
It will be an ocean of desires fulfilled,
Not a sea of "what might have been."

I won't beat myself up over moments gone by.
These moments I'll never retrieve.
I look forward with hope and courage and know
It's in myself that I will believe.

(An Original Poem by Mel Kaye)

I strongly suggest that you write down your immediate reaction, after passionately reading this poem.
  • Go back to your list of "lost opportunities" in "Section (II)".
    • List what you gain by letting go of them and moving on.

Copyright © MondayMorningPower, All rights Reserved

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  1. Wonderful poem, Mel. Something to definitely think about.

  2. I needed this so badly today thank you merci beaucoup!!

  3. Mimi,
    Thanks....although I believe it is something to take action on not just think about.

  4. Sandy,
    I am glad you found this poem helpful. You may want to consider going back to the beginning of section three and reading them all.

  5. Mel,

    Sometimes it is hard not to bear in mind the past; but I don't linger in it. The other day you came to my mind when commenting on one of Livingsword's posts ( where he was asking if we ever felt like a victim (I told him that I had never been a victim, I don't know how to be one; and that when I was called -once- a "nigger" in school, I was 7; I considered it an obstacle that had to be overcome; but I never saw myself as a victim).

    The future is where my eyes are set on; everything I do is for the future (otherwise I would let half of the things in my life behind). When I was born someone told my mom that I would have a great future. I am working for it, and I focus on it only; all the rest are distractions...

    Ok, I went back and replied to your previous post on the same issue: I don't have a list. And I can tell you that my ballet trauma is absolutely gone :D!

    Great words, as always! And congrats for this poem, Mel :D!


  6. Max,
    That's the problem.....people who linger in the past. By no means should we forget the past, just don't linger there.

    Just be careful that too much focus on the future can rob you of the present. But, somehow, I do not feel that is a problem for you. I feel that you squeeze a lot of life into the "now."

  7. Mel,

    There is a Russian saying "Live in the past and you'll lose one eye; forget the past and you will lose both eyes!"

    With a mother like mine it is a bit hard not to focus on the present lol...
    She always told me "you look at the future, imagine what is designed for you; and then focus on teh present..otherwise that future will never be!"...see what I mean?

  8. I totally match with everything you've written.
    see that
