Thursday, May 29, 2008

Are You Prepared For Success? (Section III - Installment #12 "Risks” – Male & Female versions)

(If this is your first time on this site, you may want to begin with "Are You Prepared For Success?" [Introduction])

If you are a regular reader of my Empowerment Process please read the Section II version of this poem first; then read this version.


I know when I laugh I risk appearing the fool.
I know when I weep I risk appearing un-cool.
I risk getting involved when, to another I reach out.
When expressing myself there's the risk of self-doubt.

I risk their loss, when my ideas, I state;
When pursuing my dreams, I risk the same fate.
To hope…there is always the risk of despair,
But to try is to see that there's success out there.

To love is to risk not being loved in return,
But without risk I can't change, I can't live, I can't learn.
Not to risk I may avoid any suffering, but I know
To risk is to live and to feel and to grow.

The greatest hazard in life, and the risk that I see,
Is to risk nothing then nothing is me.
Without risk I can't love I can't live, I can't be.
I will take the risks so that I can truly be free.

(An Original Poem by Mel Kaye)

I strongly suggest that you write down your immediate reaction, after passionately reading this poem. • What risks will you now take? • When you take these risks, what is it that you truly risk?

Copyright © MondayMorningPower, All rights Reserved

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  1. I will take Scandinavia with my infantry and maybe by air.'re talking about the game, Risk, right?

  2. moooooog35,
    Do I really need to answer that....anyway, the world is mine; mine I tell you, mine!!!

  3. I really like the poem, Mel. It reminds me of something that was stressed at my seminary: in life, we are always vulnerable, yet to be truly alive we must be willing to take risks.

  4. Nick,
    It would be sad to think that we went through life just playing it safe. That would be very boring.

  5. Hello again!

    "I will take the risks so that I can truly be free" - this is beautifully put, my friend *clap clap clap*!

    Once again I congratulate your for this beautiful poem (I like both versions)!!

    When we do not take risks we risk being life's Humpty Dumpties - one cannot stay on the wall forever! That is not what we are here for: we are to move, to act, to work, to love, to breathe, to have fun and all of these involve taking risks!

    "What risks will you now take?" - I will take a risk of sounding like a lunatic and give Mel my mystic perspective lol: when we incarnated we took a risk, therefore taking risks is natural in us; whereas not taking risks is not us thus when we don't take risks it feels like something is not right...something is not complete.

    "When you take these risks, what is it that you truly risk?" - in this case I think I don't really risk anything cause Mel is one of the most tolerant people I know; so I am cognisant that even though he might not agree with me he will respect my perspective *bowing*!

    Have a blessed weekend, my friend!


  6. Max,
    I always have and will respect your perspective. I do not have a monopoly on the "truth" (LOL.) There are "facts" and there are "beliefs." I would never question ones beliefs unless that belief is being forced on me (which you have never done.)

  7. Mel,

    Thank you :D!
    I am a free spirit: I do not impose anything on anyone! I accept people as they are, thus I respect them!


  8. Max,
    WELL SAID. I feel the same way.

  9. Mel,
    This is a great poem. And you know me. I am up for anything and everything.

    Well of course I do draw some lines. I don't think I would enjoy being a street walker.

    At my age I would starve. LOL!!

    Also I did my post for the bang today. Not just an update. I posted.

    Walter and I are in Yuma, Arizona and now that this is up we are headed to pig out on a huge and sinful breakfast.

  10. Jackie,
    Thanks for the support. And, no, I can't see you as a street walker (lol.)

    Enjoy your "sinful" breakfast.
