Tuesday, June 3, 2008

You had better stay home

When you walk out the door in the morning and see this, in the sky....

Just go back in the house, pour another cup of coffee, and stay there. It probably isn't going to be a good day.

Thank you WIXY


  1. Yep, I agree with you on this one. That's exactly what I would do. Have a great day Mel. :)

  2. Sandee,
    I would probably hide under the bed all day.

  3. ag,
    Aha........yourself. Thanks for the visit.

  4. Mel,

    LOL LOL LOL LOL oh my..can you imagine waking up and seeing that image? I think my reaction would be the following: I'd look at it, frown, look around (to see if kids were around or not) and then (if the way is clear) I would respond in the same manner...then I would take my coffee LOL! Cause if it were some joker spirit trying to tell me something it'd know what I think of its jokes lol....

    Great post!


  5. Max,
    Between you and me, I think the Photoshop had something to do with this picture. But I like your explanation better.
