Saturday, July 19, 2008

China - Arrival in Shanghai

As promised I will begin posting pictures of my trip to China. These posts will mostly be pics with just a little narration.

To set this up, my wife and I were in China about 20 years ago. China has gone from a third world country to a world power, although they still consider themselves a "developing" country. Bottom line is that China is nothing like I remembered it.

We arrived in Shanghai and I was immediately taken back by all of the construction. Following are some of the pictures I took from around our hotel, the Shangra La, and the views from our window.

This trip was completely through Viking River Cruises, which included all air, meals, hotels (all 5 star) transfers and excursions.

This was just the beginning of the most amazing trip I have taken yet.

Please see my China Index for more pictures of my China trip
I have many more China posts to come.

Viking River Cruises Logo


  1. Thanks for sharing the trip photos. I look forward to more!

    Mel, you may have noticed that my blog has been inaccessible for 3 days now. I’ve reported it to blogger 7 times in 3 different ways: no response or action from Blogger thus far. There is at least one other blogger receiving the same error code, which I can’t find a definition for, even though I’ve searched blogger and the net.

    If you would be willing to help by adding to the number of folks reporting the problem to Blogger, email me and I’ll send you the reporting details. OK?

  2. Nick,

    Thanks for viewing my China photos. I will have lots more to share.

    Of course I'll help....anyway that I can.

  3. How cool Mel. China has indeed come a long way. Their government scares me a little, but outside of that. Have a great day and thanks for sharing your trip. :)

  4. You must have a great camera. These photos are very good. Your style of writing is sharing information and showing a kindly attitude. Your blog is fairly new to me but my husband and I are enjoying many aspects of your blog. We will be coming around here often.

  5. Hi Sandee,
    Yes, China has come a long way. As you can see, my initial reaction was that I was impressed with their buildings and the unique shapes and structure. However, it was their history that really got to me. That will be coming later.

  6. Technobabe,
    Thanks for stopping by. I hope that both you and your husband come by often.

    As far as the camera goes, Canon Powershot. It works grate for me.

  7. WOW!!! Look at all those high-rises! Since you were there already, you know better and you feel better the differences between then and now. I've never been to China even though I'm a Chinese descendant he he he he he he he he he...I think if I do go there, they'll mock me since I don't speak their language ha ha ha...

  8. Amel,
    It is a "night & day" change since I was last there.

    You should really visit China, however, I would suggest waiting until after the Olympics.

  9. You are looking good in these food,I hope you have enjoyed Chinese food allot.

  10. Mel,

    Incredible constructions!
    So, you had already gone there 20 years ago? I am impressed...


  11. Max,
    It doesn't even look like the same country. New buildings are popping up like weeds.

  12. Mel,

    Progress, my friend! Those are the signs of progress! However that progress comes with a price...

  13. THANKS for your suggestion! Maybe if I have enough money, then someday I'll visit China, the land of my ancestors he he...

  14. Max,
    That's for sure....especially with the Tree Gorges Dam project. Millions of peasants were displaced when the they flooded the valley by the Yangtse. They were all relocated without a way of making a living. I will post pictures of this project in a few weeks.

  15. Mel,

    And unfortunately the same practice was reapeated in order to build the Olympic project *nodding*...

    I am looking forward to seeing it :D!

  16. Amazing architecture! Thanks for sharing.

  17. Mimi,
    My jaw dropped when I first saw it. And, now with the Olympics, everyone can see the advancements that China is making.
