Monday, July 16, 2007

Are You Prepared For Success? (Section II - Installment #11 "Potential” - Male and Female versions)

(If this is your first time on this site, please begin with "Are You Prepared For Success?" [Introduction])

To achieve your potential,
You know that you can;
You must make everything
A part of your plan.

Eliminate the negative,
That's in your life.
Reduce the worry,
And get rid of the strife.

Focus your energy.
Keep your goal in sight.
Be ready to win.
Prepare for the fight.

Don't be distracted.
Keep moving ahead.
Dare to go
Where no one has tread.

(An original Poem by Mel Kaye)
I strongly suggest that you write down your immediate reaction, after passionately reading this poem.
  • List what's most negative in your life?
    • If you really wanted to, what could you eliminate?

Copyright © MondayMorningPower, All rights Reserved


  1. I've eliminated negative people from my life. I don't mean that I have nothing further to do with them, I just don't surround myself with those types and I am very open with them about it. I let them know that being negative will only attract negative energy and they need to believe in themselves and think positively. I am like a sponge so for my own peace of mind and wellbeing I tend to surround myself with somewhat like minded individuals.

    Love your poetry and prose...have you thought about putting it all in print?

  2. Trish,

    I have written, over the last 10 year, this complete process and was thinking about putting it into print. My son is in publishing and it was his suggestion that I begin a blog to start expressing myself. I decided to put the whole manuscript out there. I am only about half way done. There is a lot more. It is "Section III" that really brings it all home. Anyway, if my readership continues to grow, I may just get it published. In the meantime I believe that I am putting out something that is positive and good fro the world.

  3. Mel,

    Powerful poem!! It has my name all over it!!!

    What is most negative in my life? - I don't know what to answer here, cause (to me) the less positive things are part of life so I do not view them exactly as negative. I look at them as necessary tools for personal development and growth.

    Balance is achieved by knowing how to juggle with the opposites and that is the art of existence.


  4. Max,
    I have to slightly disagree with you here. Yes, the negative is part of life, but the juggling should more be directed at the elimination of the negative aspects of life, those pieces that take away from the positive. I agree that the elimination of all the negative can be difficult, so that is where the juggling comes in.

    Like I said, my disagreement is only minor.

  5. Mel,

    lol If people would agree all the time this would be a boring world ;D!

    Since I believe in the law of opposites (the existence of opposite energies needed to maintain balance: dark/light, love/hate; man/woman; land/water, masculine/feminine, singular/plural, good/bad etc) I couldn't possibly tell you that negative would ever be eliminated, because it won't. However it is valid to say that humans must do whatever they can to make the positive prevail.
    I will spare of you of the theological and mystical talk, but basically this is what is said: the opposite energies are there (as part of our nature) but we have the power to opt for the one that makes us feel good, happy and do the right thing.

    I love it when we have this occasional conversations, my friend :D!

  6. Max,
    "Elimination" was probably the wrong choice of words. The balance that will win out is all dependent on "choice." Our ability to choose is the difference. We all have the capability of doing good or evil, of succeeding or failing. If we choose to linger in the "negative" then our attitude will be negatively affected. And, of course, the opposite is also true.

    Our ability to choose makes all the difference!

    I also love these conversation.

  7. Mel,

    "The balance that will win out is all dependent on "choice." " - well put!

    I agree with the rest you said, my friend *bowing*! The right choice is vital for our success on any enterprise! We are in synch on this :D!

    Always a pleasure!
