Sunday, January 27, 2008

And the "Stats" are Mounting

This week I have surpassed a couple of statistical milestones. First, my "Blog Reactions" have soared past the 2,000 number.
And, I have entered the hallowed ground of Technorati's top 5,000.
Now, I am well aware that this stat (Technorati Authority) is based on a 180 day concept and that links fall off and this could change; however, if I want to continue playing this game, and as long as it remains fun and I do not take it too seriously, I just have to stay ahead of the curve.

Now that I have patted myself on the back and done the "Gratitude Dance", I must get back to the semi-serious job of blogging, seriously.....well sort of.

Technorati Tags:


  1. Congratulations Mel. I'm getting close to the 5K too. My authority has gone up 30 points since yesterday. Yippee. Yep, let's keep it fun. Have a great day. :)

  2. Sandee,
    As long as it stays in perspective. Mines up around 50, from when we started this meme. I truly wonder how far it will go.

  3. WoWeeee...Congrats. Mine has jumped as well this week.

    I have to get my Monday post up and then I will be back to update yet again.

    Cartoonies for tomorrow I think...FunStuff for the Monday blues!!

    Have a great week Mel. Oh yes don't forget you get exposure at Fuel My blog too. I just pumped you up a little bit!!

  4. Okie Dokie Mel,
    All updated,tagged and notified. I am pooped so I am off to bed.

    Have a great Monday:)

  5. WOWWWWW!!! That's quite a feat! I haven't checked mine he he he...

  6. Amelia,
    You should see the Technorati number take off.

  7. congratulations Mel...
    this has done wonders for my a while back I lost about 60 links over night ....I have just reached the 400 mark so that's about 60 links + thanks to your beaut meme..
    have just updated too :)

  8. Hi Kim,
    Technorati's 180 day rule really sucks. We have to work hard to stay ahead of their curve. I'm glad I was able to help.

  9. we sure do Mel...:0
    you certainly deserve pats on the back and more...
    here to update and I'll put your badge on my site too...great stuff..
    have a terrific day :)

  10. Hi Kim,
    Thanks.... This meme alone has added over 150 points to my Technorati Authority.
