Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Are You Prepared For Success? (Section III - Installment #7 "It Brings Down the Great” – Male & Female versions)

(If this is your first time on this site, you may want to begin with "Are You Prepared For Success?" [Introduction])

If you are a regular reader of my Empowerment Process please read the Section II version of this poem first; then read this version.

It Brings Down The Great

Ominous and powerful, it can bring down the great.
Few are immune, it doesn't discriminate.
It can't be held and it can't be seen.
But it leaves devastation wherever it's been.

Oh, the accolades I will have
For all those accomplishments I want so bad.
I won't let it in and I won't give it life.
I won't be cut down by anyone's knife.

I know what I want, I know what to do.
I won't be stopped. To myself I'll be true.
I won't plant the seeds. I won't let it grow.
I will stop it cold, and this I know.

I won't let it grow strong. I'll stop it today.
I won't let it destroy me. It won't get in my way.
I do not fear it…not even its name.
I will fight it off. Its ferocity I'll tame.

It won't consume me. It won't take my dreams.
It will leave in shame as it hears my screams
And now that I know, I just want to shout,
"I'll never give in to those first strands of doubt."

(An Original Poem by Mel Kaye)

I strongly suggest that you write down your immediate reaction, after passionately reading this poem.

  • What will you accomplish now that all doubt is gone?

Copyright © MondayMorningPower, All rights Reserved

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  1. Thanks for the inspirational poetry. You remind us we are each our own biggest cheering section. If we do not choose to believe in ourselves, then its hard to inspire others to do the same.

  2. I have a tag for you on my page. I totally love your poetry.

  3. Liara,
    You must walk the walk before you can talk the talk.

  4. Kasper,
    I'll be right over to check it out.

  5. a very inspiring poem Sir Mel...
    and one I will show my kids...
    we all need affirmations like this on a DAILY basis!!!!

  6. Kim,
    This is the corner stone of my site.

  7. Hello again,

    This is like a mantra: I prefer this one!

    "What will you accomplish now that all doubt is gone?" - Victory!!! :D
    Nowadays I don't doubt myself, not even for a minute! I may doubt men (cause people, let me tell you...), but I don't doubt God nor myself.

    I must go and breath in this beautiful mantra of yours, Mel...very good: congratulations!


  8. Max,
    All though the poems in Section II and Section III are only slightly different, the effect is HUGE. I like the way you put it; as a "mantra." That is precisely how it should be taken.
