Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Are You Prepared For Success? (Section III - Installment #11 "Potential” – Male & Female versions)

(If this is your first time on this site, you may want to begin with "Are You Prepared For Success?" [Introduction])

If you are a regular reader of my Empowerment Process please read the Section II version of this poem first; then read this version.


To achieve my potential,
I know that I can;
I will make everything
A part of my plan.

I'll eliminate the negative,
That's in my life.
I'll reduce the worry,
And get rid of the strife.

My energy is focused.
My goal is in sight.
I'm ready to win.
I'm prepare for the fight.

I won't be distracted.
I'll keep moving ahead.
And I will dare to go
Where no one has tread.

(An Original Poem by Mel Kaye)
I strongly suggest that you write down your immediate reaction, after passionately reading this poem.
  • How will you eliminate the negativity in your life.

Copyright © MondayMorningPower, All rights Reserved


  1. I am very ready for success but often I hit hard on failure. But it is not going to stop me from being successful, I know I can do it with a positive thinking.

  2. i've going through both of them, failure and sucess. when u fail, u will know who's your friend.

  3. Mel,

    I missed these installments already :D!
    This poem used in the first person is even more powerful, my friend *bowing*!

    I have expressed my attitude towards negativity in Section II already, so there is no need for me to repeat myself here.
    But I can tell you that I am a fighter and I do not get distracted by anything in this life; and when I want something I get it no matter the time it might take me to get it. I also think that one of the keys to success is patience.

    I would like to end by answering this post's question: yes! I am ready for success :D!


  4. Louisv,
    That's the attitude. Failure is only a part of success.

  5. Swimwear,
    Friends are suppose stick with you through thick and thin. Good point.

  6. Max,
    I have learned though this process that success, like attitude, is simple a state of mind; it's all in the definition.

  7. To be success no matter how u feel meet failure first.. it is important during this failure you got friends to support you.. only after this u can achieve a true success..

  8. exfatguy,
    Failure is a part of success, however, it is not absolutely necessary as the prerequisite to success. We just have to understand that it is always lurking out there ready to teach us lessons.

  9. i took this from a wood allen,

    "if you're not failing every now & again, it's a sign you're not doin anything very innovative"

  10. As usual, another great and inspiring poem! Really lifted me up as i've been down lately. Thanks alot!

  11. You just don't know what is success unless you failed. That is just the step to success.

  12. bradvera,
    That is exactly what it is meant to do.

  13. Cartier,
    I would rather say that you appreciate success more if you fail first.

  14. Really positive and uplifting message there. I'm going to weed out all the negative influences and aspects in my life slowly but surely.
