Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Spread the Word - Round two

About three weeks ago I began a meme that was intended to give bloggers a voice and a way to spread their message across the blogesphere. I created a directory of blogs that would travel from site to site. Well this list has eclipsed 100 sites and is still growing. I want to keep this list alive and continue it's growth. That means that I need your help.

This meme is viral in nature, meaning that every one who participates gets tremendous value. The rules are simple and the results are are very rewarding.

If you have already joined the directory, please repost. If you have not joined, please do so. Just follow the rules.

The rules are easy, see below.

**Start Copy Here**

We have a voice;
We must be heard;
Therefore we blog;
Now spread the word!

This directory is based on a recent post that was conducted asking the question “Why do you Blog?” and the rewrite “Why do you Blog? - Reworked.” The purpose of this directory is to tell our tales by spreading the reasons that we blog to as many sites as possible. We get to explain ourselves, direct traffic to our site and highlight our most important, most representative or most relevant post in an SEO favorable format. This will be a positive experience for everyone who wants to get involved. This will enable you to create a short advertisement for your site that will be spread across the blogesphere; a growing directory of blogs.

This is an open directory. You do not have to be tagged to join in. All you have to do is follow the rules.

Please let me know when you have added your site by leaving a comment on “Master List” with a link to your post. This will insure an up-to-date list, giving you even greater distribution. You then need to copy the growing list back to your site on a regular bases.

  1. Copy the archived directory from *Begin Directory* to *End Directory* and place it in your archives (back date it so that it does not appear on your front page. This list is too long for your front page.) Title this post "Spread The Word" Directory
  2. Copy from "**Start Copy Here**" through "**End Copy Here**" on this post
  3. Paste into a new post
  4. Create an inventive post title
  5. Write a brief introduction to the post.
  6. Before “**End copy here**”, In place of my paragraph, please add your name, site name (with link), a very brief description (2-3 sentences) of why you blog, and your most important, most representative, or most relevant post (with link.)
  7. Make sure that the link at the end of your post links to your archived directory, not mine.
  8. Tag others to participate. This is a request, not a requirement.
  9. Leave a comment and a link to your post on “Master List.” That way I can grab your addition and add it to this growing list.
  10. Schedule regular visits to the "Master List" so you can copy/paste into your archive, keeping your list current.

My name is Mel and I am the author of Attitude, the Ultimate Power, aka Monday Morning Power. I blog because I am passionate about happiness and living in the moment. I want to spread the concept that we are in control of our own lives and can choose how we act and react. My site is focused on the Pursuit, Capture, Care and Feeding of a Positive Mental Attitude. One of my most representative posts is “Happiness Vs. Human Nature.” I am also the author of a new site called "So You Want To Complain." This site allows anybody to complain on any subject, anywhere in the world. The complaint is posted and anyone can comment on it. It is like an open forum to vent.

Click here for complete directory

**End Copy Here**

To participate in Round two I am tagging the following sites:


  1. Hello,
    I created a post at


    I hope I did this correctly! I am here by way of Lynn's blog.

    Thanks for starting this meme.

    God bless.

  2. Hi Mel,
    Yayyyyy I did my first update and got my spread the word button installed correctly.

    What a wonderful way to do this. The instructions were very easy to follow.

    I will always keep checking back now and adding to my list....I hope that's correct.

    Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into this.

    Have a great rest of the week!!

  3. Jackie,
    Thank you for confirming that my instructions are clear. And, thanks for keeping your list current.

  4. Hey Mel,

    I came for two reasons:

    1- I have a question about the list. I told you that I'd repost it this weekend, but I need to ask something - Can I add my text after the yours, then keep updating from the previous list, and then add the one from part II? Cause Part I is really long...

    2- You have been tagged for an interesting tag:


  5. Max,
    I suggest that you add your paragraph at the top of the archived list. The list will resideing on your site, so it becomes your version. Do what I did on this post and except have your own introduction paragraph and only put your blurb where I put mine. Mine does not need to appear on your re-post.
