- Monday Morning Power / Mel Kaye
- 12 Rules of Blogger Etiquette
- A Challenge on "Leadership"
- A Question of Attitude
- American Idol: Jordin Sparks - Attitude
- Are You a Monday Morning Winner
- Cookies
- Happiness
- Happiness is a Decision, Choose To Be Happy
- Happiness Made Simple
- Happiness Refined
- Happiness Vs. Human Nature
- Keeping Negative Energy at Bay
- Living in the Moment
- Power
- The Law of Attraction; My take on it
- Therapeutic Effects of Laughter
- Turning Negative Self Talk into Positive Self Talk
- Why MondayMorningPower?
- Others
- 5 Ingredients for Success in Law of Attraction
- 10 things in Life that you Control
- Achieve Your Ambition and Believe in Yourself
- Achieving Success By Expecting Success
- Attitude is Everything
- Awaken The Sleeping Attitude Within You
- Being Positive
- Change Your Attitude, Change Your Life
- Climb Out Of That Bucket and Live the Life of Your Dreams
- Failing to Succeed
- Gratitude is the Key to Abundance
- Handling Failure
- Happiness is a Moral Obligation
- How to Create Your 'Magical' Vision Board - And Make Your Dreams Come True!
- How To Distinguish Between Your Constructive And Destructive Inner Voices
- How to Have Confidence and Enjoy Every Moment of it
- Laws of Success
- Let Happiness Find You
- Negative Thinking Robbing Souls of Inner Peace
- Power of a Positive Attitude
- Power of Positive Thinking - The Undeniable Truth
- Success Requirements, Apply Within
- The Optimism Revolution
- The Place Where Success Lives
- The Secret to Real Confidence
- When Those We Trust Disappoint Us
- Your Mission Makes Itself Known Through Your Passions
Wow ! I'm totally impressed. I've been blogging for the same time now and get like 3 viewers a day. Mine's a bit of attitude stuff as well except that I wanted to focus on money and also throw in stuff I've learnt. Have realised it's all about mental attitude rather than technical how-to-buy-shares/properties etc. Was going to give up cos discouraged by poor response but maybe I wouldn't. Yet. Will you visit my blog and see what you think ? Would you consider linking me to yours ? I think linking you on would be relevant for mine( especially the positive attitude bits).
PS I couldn't open your email link to contact you, hence the long post. Sorry.
Thank you for visiting. I've only been doing this for less than 2 months and it seems that all good things are happening for me. In a future post I will be talking about doing this because I so believe in it and would continue blogging even if no one reads it. Having said that, today alone I may just have 100 hits.