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“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.”
-Napoleon Hill
“Just Do It.”
“Never give in, Never, Never, Never, Never.”
-Sir Winston Churchill
Above are some of the more famous success based quotes prevalent in society today. They represent a few of the basic attitudes (winning attitudes) that need to become part of us (second nature) in order for true success to be attained. Most people, deep down, know this to be true. Winning, positive attitudes go hand-in-hand with success. However, - just knowing that positive attitudes are essential to success - will not guarantee success. Knowing, understanding and owning winning, positive attitudes (making them ours - as if we actually gave birth to them) is what's essential to attaining lasting success.
Losers visualize the penalties of failure. Winners visualize the rewards of success.
-Dr. Rob Gilbert
The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes.
-William James
We are constantly being exposed to quotes, clichés and sayings that reflect differing attitudes, some of them winning attitudes. Unfortunately we are also exposed to quotes with no value, or worse with negative value, that reflect losing attitudes. There are no "cliché monitors" in life. This is a function that we all have to develop internally.
-Napoleon Hill
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
-Albert Einstein
How, then, are we to separate the winning attitudes from the losing attitudes? When we are able to separate them, how do we understand, take ownership of, and implement the positive winning attitudes that are reflected by these positive quotes?
It is better to never have tried anything than to have tried something and failed.
-motto of jerks, weenies and losers everywhere
Also, why is it that only a small percentage of people actually achieve success when we are constantly exposed to these positive, motivating and inspirational messages carried within these quotes?
There have been thousands of How To Succeed Books and biographies of successful people written over the years. We can find these books everywhere...in all the libraries, book stores and on the Internet. They all have their own formulas for attaining ultimate success, financial independence, becoming our own boss and living our dreams! These books are very stimulating and easily fuel our fires of desire. For most of us, these books paint a picture of the other side; of what others have attained, of what we don't have, of what we want but feel that we can never have. Why do we feel that we can never attain success, that it is out of our reach?
By Mel Kaye
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