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Names I Use

To avoid any confusion I thought it appropriate to list the names (cyber) I go by.
My Names:
Mel Kaye-(my real name), MondayMorningPower,
MMP, Killeris-(Technorati name), Powerkis-(Wordpress name), SiFiBiBi-(Original Blogger name)
Site Names:
Attitude, The Ultimate Power-(Blog name)
MondayMorningPower-(Blog AKA)
It's All About Attitude-(Blog AKA)

My email address: info (at) MondayMorningPower dot Com

Why read Monday Morning Power?

You will find a consistency and a focus in all of my content that can change your attitude which can fuel a positive change in your life, if you want it to. If you are happy with your attitude and your life and see no reason for changing, then you either already have a PMA (Positive Mental Attitude), or you are a victim and want to hold onto your misery. These postings will then serve to fortify the person with PMA, or, hopefully, convince the "victim" that there is a better way. This site will contain essays, poems, stories, humor and links, all with the same goal: The pursuit, capture, care and feeding of a Positive Mental Attitude. I have had readers tell me that they have spent hours on my site and feel great about themselves both during and after. I log onto my own site frequently to help fuel my attitude; I hope you will as well.

To My Fellow Bloggers.....

Please feel free to link my blog to yours. A dose of "Monday Morning Power" would bolster any blog, except for those that profess doom, destruction and the end of the world. If you want to use any of my content in your blog, please ask first via email or by comment. I will need to review your blog for appropriate content and then give you written permission as well as being sure that you link back.

Monday Morning Power

A dose of "Monday Morning Power" and a cup of coffee and you're ready for whatever awaits you. At a minimum you should read this blog on Monday Mornings. However, there will be new posts daily. Whenever you want to feel good, tune in and help yourself to some "Monday Morning Power." Please share this site with everyone you care about. I welcome your comments and suggestions

About Me

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My goal is to help my clients navigate the “residential investment property” market; make some money and have some fun in the process. This real estate market is ripe for the investor. In addition, I would like to help the home buyer and home seller. I am part of an 80,000+ agent network that spans all of North America. Being on the “inside” I can find you the “right” agent to handle your specific needs no matter where in North America you may reside. I have been in and arround the real estate market for most of my professional life and want to be your resource for making money in this market. I have been negotiating all of my life and want to negotiate great deals for you. Following is my contact information and my philosophies: Mel Kaye (Broker Associate) Keller Williams Realty Direct: PCH.MEL.KAYE (724.635.5293) Mobile: 805.300.1769 Fax: 888.371.1190 Email: Website: Skype: Mel.Kaye Lic #: 00742678 340 N. Westlake Blvd., Suite 100 Westlake Village, CA 91362

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This Site is dedicated to the development of your ATTITUDE, which is your ULTIMATE POWER. The content includes: Essays, Articles, Poems, Links, Inspirational stories, Quotes, Research, Music, an original series called the "Process" and Laughter....all focused on the
Pursuit, Capture, Care and Feeding of a Positive Mental Attitude.

Monday, July 23, 2007

A Loving Husband

How to Have Confidence and Enjoy Every Moment of It

There are instances when we need to just know how to act. As we attain the right internal attitude it will become apparent in the way that we portray ourselves, however, there is nothing wrong with knowing the right way to act and working on both the interior and the exterior at the same time. The following is a good article for the outside of ourselves.

How to Have Confidence and Enjoy Every Moment of It

By: Peter Murphy

Confidence is not only a skill it is a choice. How to have confidence? It is a choice to walk, talk and act with confidence despite how you feel or what others say. To have confidence is to be at ease in any situation. To be prepared and capable to take all the hits as they come and still smile while doing it.

The beauty of confidence is that if you don't have to possess it to walk with it. All you need is the know how and a bit of perseverance to make sure that in all instances you can appear to be cool calm collected and confident. This will show that you can cope under pressure and attract responsibility and promotion. When you act in confidence it is attracted to you.

As shallow as it sounds presentation and looking after you are important factors to having confidence. If you know that you are eating right, exercising regularly and treating your body and mind with respect and dignity. When you do have a bad day it is easier to overcome.

Ensuring that your immediate needs of shelter, warmth, hygiene and even what you wear can effect how you feel and therefore affect the was you eventually act. If you are dressed well and feel like you are well presented you are less likely to suffer from a lack of confidence. This will not always help but the foundation needs to be strong for a building to stand so look after yourself and you will find the benefits surprising.

Once you have your exterior covered well your body language is the next thing to be addressed. Are there certain people who you naturally want to hide around or those who you feel intimidated by therefore close your body language up? Your body language will always tell the story of how you feel even if your words don't so make sure that you have open body language to show optimum confidence. Shoulders straight, eyes looking forward or directed towards who you are speaking to, do not fold arms across your chest and try not o shuffle your feet, keep hand movement directed towards what you are doing and resist the temptation to fidget or fiddle while talking or listening.

One of the simplest ways to show that you have confidence is to show interest. There is of course no point in being interested if you cannot be genuine and sincere so be sure that your body language and eyes are actively listening, ask questions and try to interact within the situation. This can help relieve pressure as you will be occupied and active.

By showing interest you are showing that you have the ability to concentrate on a project that may not be your own. Again by acting in a certain way you are creating positive behaviors within yourself, further gaining skills as well as having confidence.

By having a can do attitude both with yourself and with others, you will become a more social and interesting person. If you believe that you can do anything that you have the skills to achieve and you have goals in place to do so then you have no reason to walk in shame. To walk in confidence to hold your head and know that you can tackle anything that comes to you because you area good person and because you deserve good things will make the difference between having confidence or not.

If you don't believe you are confident you won't be, so change the way you think and your actions will have no choice but to change in time you will realize that you had confidence all along, you just didn't know it yet.