American Idol: Jordin Sparks, Blake Lewis, Melinda Doolittle, Phil Stacey and many other past Idol successes are examples of people who were not afraid to take a risk. For these the payoff was huge, especially Jordin Sparks. Yes, they had to have talent, but what was it that really drove them to succeed, to audition in the first place? They had to have the right ATTITUDE. There’s that word again…..attitude. No matter how much talent you have, no matter how smart you are, no matter how much ________________ you have, without a positive mental attitude, the “never give up” attitude, the “never, never, never quit” attitude, would any of us even know their names today. I’m not saying that fame is your, or should be your definition of success. Everyone has, or will have, something that they want to accomplish, something that they want so bad that they can taste it, their own definition of success.
The American Idol scenario can be played out on the sports field, in the movie studios, in the operating room, in the courthouse…..anywhere where people live free. What about people who aren’t free; what would they give to be free…..well that’s a whole other essay, isn’t it and just a little off track…..just a little.
Attitude is the bases for every meaningful endeavor we begin. Attitude will also determine if we succeed at it or fail. Attitude is the ultimate power. Isn't that the name of this site?
There is no failure except in no longer trying.
Elbert Hubbard
The common denominator of success --- the secret of success of every man who has ever been successful --- lies in the fact that he formed the habit of doing things that failures don't like to do.
Albert Gray
The fastest way to succeed is to double your failure rate.
Thomas J. Watson, Founder of IBM
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
Thomas Edison
Do it trembling if you must, but do it!
Emmet Fox