First 25 | |
126 | You think that the Styrofoam cooler is the greatest invention of all time. |
127 | You've ever been too drunk to fish. |
128 | You had to remove a toothpick for wedding pictures. |
129 | You've ever used a weed eater indoors. |
130 | You have a rag for a gas cap (on a car that does run). |
131 | You consider a family reunion a good place to pick up girls. |
132 | You have to go outside to get something out of the 'fridge. |
133 | Your richest relative invites you over to his new home to help him remove the wheels and skirt. |
134 | You've ever financed a tattoo. |
135 | Your idea of a 7 course meal is a bucket of KFC and a six-pack. |
136 | You go to a Tupperware party for a haircut. |
137 | You have spray painted your girlfriend's name on an overpass. |
138 | Your Junior/Senior Prom had a Daycare. |
139 | Your dog and your wallet are both on chains. |
140 | Your kids are going hungry tonight because you just had to have those Yosemite Sam mud flaps. |
141 | You owe the taxidermist more than your annual income. |
142 | You have lost at least one tooth opening a beer bottle. |
143 | Jack Daniels makes your list of "most admired people". |
144 | You won't stop at a rest area if you have an empty beer can in the car. |
145 | Your dog can't watch you eat without gagging. |
146 | You have a Hefty bag on the passenger side window of your car. |
147 | You have a very special baseball cap, just for formal occasions. |
148 | You have to scratch your sisters name out of the message: "for a good time call . .", because you feel guilty about putting it there... |
149 | Redman sends you a Christmas card. |
150 | You are still holding on to Confederate money because you think the South will rise again. |
Thank you Jeff Foxworthy |
Friday, June 1, 2007
You Might Be A Redneck If......(126 - 150 of 299)
Posted by
3:10 PM
Are You Prepared For Success? (Installment #5)
(If this is your first time on this site, please begin with "Are You Prepared For Success [Introduction.])
The basic winning attitudes that must be attained before you can experience true success are:
- You must believe in your ability to accomplish anything that you set your mind to.
- You must know, in your soul, that you will never quit and you will never give up, because quitting is the only true failure.
- You must have a positive attitude, an attitude that believes anything is possible.
- Failure is not an alternative that you will allow into your mind. However, if you do stumble (not fail), as most successful people have, you will know why and learn from it - then move on to success!
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
-Thomas Edison
Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.
-Napoleon Hill
Winners never quit and quitters never win.
The word impossible is not in my dictionary.
-Napoleon Bonaparte
Don't worry about failure. Worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try.
These attitudes, plus other positive attitudes that you will develop and internalize, will enable you to: no longer be a passive bystander; watching life when you can be life; dreaming of success when you can be achieving success. You will be able to recognize and eliminate all internal negativity, as well as external negativity. You will become success driven and success bound. (Success can be financial as well as non-financial and can occur in many areas of your life, simultaneously.) This program and its unique process can help you attain the basic attitudes that are essential for true success.
The curtain is lifting. We can have triumph, or tragedy, for we are the playwrights, the actors and the audience.
-John Macauley, Chairman
You may already have these positive mental attitudes and know that you can accomplish, and probably have accomplished, anything that you set your mind to. Then this process will act as a powerful reinforcement for you and an enjoyable reading, and/or listening, experience; an experience that will recharge your batteries daily, and will enable you to grow ever stronger and even more confident.
The man who wins may have been counted out many times, but he didn't hear the referee.
-H. E. Jansen
A critical fact to remember is that success for you is not what other people define as success, but what you define as success. To state it another way, "Your success should not be based on what others define as success, but what you define as success, based on what your desires are, measured against an ethical and moral value system." You do not have to define what success means to you at this time. As you progress through this program, the success you desire (the goals that you set and want to accomplish) will become apparent.
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other one thing.
-Abraham Lincoln
True success is first felt in the heart, before it is thought of in the mind.
- Why do some of us feel that "We can't" rather than "We can?"
- Why do some of us think "Why try?"
- Why do some of us feel like victims?
- Why do the success based books that are on the market only work on less than 1% of us?
- Why do some of us feel that success is just beyond our grasp?
The answer to these questions lay ahead.
The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can't be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it.
-Henry Emerson Fosdick
It is a well-known fact that you come, finally, to believe whatever you repeat to yourself, consciously or sub-consciously, whether the statement is true or false. As previously stated, this process usually starts in childhood, and will continue through adult life until we die. If these messages that you are repeating to yourself had all been positive, up-lifting and winning messages, you probably would not be taking this program. Now, for the rest of us, probably 95%+ of the population, these negative, self-esteem lowering, and dream-killing messages that we have been repeating to ourselves, at best…leave us confused, and at worst…makes us feel like hopeless losers, doomed to a life of disappointments and failure.
These negative messages usually start and continue, if you let them, with:
- "You'll never amount to anything!"
- "Can't you do anything right?"
- "You're as helpless as your father!"
- "You're as worthless as your mother"
- "You're too fat!"
- "You're too stupid!"
- "You'll never be able to do that!"
- "You're a loser and you'll always be a loser!"
- "You'll never succeed at anything!"
- "You live in a cold cruel world!"
- "Our type can never succeed!"
- "Why try; they will never accept us?"
- "I should never have had children!"
I'm sure that you can add many more negative messages to the above list; messages that are unique to you and your personal history. Try listing some of them. This process can be very cathartic.
Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.
-Eleanor Roosevelt
Don't look back in anger, look forward in hope.
-Zig Zigler
It probably took years and years of listening to, and then repeating to yourself, these negative messages - whether they came from your parents, your siblings, your friends, your teacher, your spouse or your boss - to have produced the negative attitudes that you may now hold. You may be a wonderful, kind and generous person, yet feel as if there is something missing in your life; not feeling successful. After hearing these negative messages, especially as a child, you can't help but believe them. As you continue to hear these messages, your subconscious mind changes the "you" in the messages to "I". So the message transforms from hearing "You can't do anything right!" to believing "I can't do anything right!" This internal process is subtle, insidious and ever so self-defeating.
It is hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in your head.
-Sally Kempton
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8:55 AM