The following article, about the Laws of Success, is fundamentally true. Knowing these laws and internalizing them can only be beneficial. These laws are a great compliment to my “Process.” I look at my “Process” (Are You Prepared For Success?) as the CORE of a happy, healthy and successful person. The following Laws of Success can be viewed as an outer ring to the core. This concept will be the focus of a future post.
Laws of Success
By: Andrew Cocks
Just as there are physical laws that govern how the physical world works, gravity, for example, there are also laws that govern how the universe works. Understanding these laws is critical to achieving success, learn them and work with them, not against them.
1. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation
Basically, this law states that what starts as energy changes into what is physical. Everything around you, everything you see, hear, smell, touch, or taste began as energy.
The vibration of that energy forms what is physical. Everything is in constant motion, and that motion is always changing. Energy can not be created or destroyed, just moved and changed. Our thoughts make themselves manifest in the physical world. In other words, what we think about, we bring about.
2. The Law of Relativity
The way we perceive any object, thing, person, or idea is always relative to how we see another object, thing, person, or idea. It's the way we gage what we see, bigger, smaller, good, bad, better, worse. The whole universe is designed to work together, with all the laws corresponding rather than conflicting.
All the laws apply equally to everything in the universe regardless of their size, strength, or awareness of the laws. Everything in the universe has its own rate of vibration, high, low, and in-between, we can only evaluate the rate of vibration based on a comparison with the rates of other things.
In your life, you see this law played out as you compare yourself to other people. You are reasonably attractive, right? Now, say someone enters the room who has entirely unfortunate looks, you feel simply gorgeous in comparison. But what if a supermodel enters the room next? How good-looking are you then? It's all relative. The core of this law is that everything in life just "is." Our perception shapes how we experience it.
3. The Law of Vibration
This law says that nothing is at rest in the universe, it's all constantly vibrating. Our awareness of that vibration is what we call feeling. Our feelings are determined by vibration, and we determine our rate of vibration by our thoughts and the paradigms we use to look at life.
You've experienced this if you've ever walked into an office or house where people were just quarreling. The tension in the air is thick enough to cut with a knife, and you instantly know you've interrupted something unpleasant.
Our thoughts consist of vibrations we send out to the universe. When we focus or concentrate on our thoughts, the vibrations grow stronger. Thoughts are the strongest vibration to move through the universe.
God created the whole universe, all that there is, seen and invisible from nothing, using thoughts and words. People are the only creation who share the power of thought with the Creator, and that makes us special.
This power to think, this gift of spirit, is what it means to be created in the image of God. Our thoughts and prayers are very powerful, affecting the physical world we live in.
Our awareness of vibration is what we call our feelings. We see what it's like to be in a negative vibration when we say, "I feel bad today." A positive vibration shows when we say, "I feel great today!"
Since vibration originates with our thoughts, we can control whether we live in a positive or negative vibration pattern. You use your brain to choose which thoughts you'll entertain; it doesn't choose a vibration itself. You're the master of your thoughts, of your vibration. Your thoughts steer your central nervous system into the vibration you choose.
Your mind is a storehouse of images, positive and negative, whatever you allow to take up room there. If you choose to dredge up, examine, and review the negative, you will move into a negative vibration, negative feelings will immediately follow. The reverse is true, positive thoughts lead to positive vibration and a positive mood.
4. The Law of Polarity
Everything has an equal opposite, up and down, good and bad, empty and full. There is no such thing as a one-sided coin. No object has only a left side without a right side.
Because everything not only has an opposite, but the opposite is also equal, we've got an immutable law that we can understand. If you measure the room and find it is eighteen feet from the wall to the door, you'll find it's also eighteen feet from the door to the wall.
Seems pretty obvious, but the understanding of this law will really change how you look at life. Say something you think is really bad happens to you, according to the Law of Polarity, there must be something equally good about it, too. Mathematically, if something happens to you that you see as only being a little bit bad, the flipside is that there's also a little bit of good in that, too.
Because of the Law of Polarity, you also get to choose your thoughts on every occurrence in life, is this a good thing or a bad thing? In reality, it just is. But you have the privilege of interpretation; you can choose to view it as a positive or a negative. From that choice, you set vibration in motion, determine your feelings, and ultimately your actions and results.
5. The Law of Rhythm
The whole universe moves in a repetitive rhythm. The tides, the seasons, day and night, we can count on these regular patterns to stay constant. If anything moves forward, something else must move backward; if anything grows greater, something else shrinks.
Every action causes a reaction, and results in a rhythmic swinging of vibration. You see this law at work every day in the peak and decline of your energy, the ups and downs that you experience, the way that our days are sometimes full and busy and sometimes slow and lazy.
It's helpful to realize that our moods have a natural rhythm of ups and downs, and that even in the midst of a relatively down mood, we've still got control of our thoughts. Choosing good thoughts, even when we feel down, propels us into a positive vibration, evening out our emotions and keeping us moving toward our goals.
6. The Law of Cause and Effect
This law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. What you send out into the universe comes back. Luck, chance, and accidents are non-existent. Everything in the universe is subject to universal laws, and everything that happens does so because it was caused.
We see the result of this law in the physical world, in our health, our bank accounts, and how people treat us. The way we get results we want is by working on the cause behind them. A changed cause must produce a changed effect.
One way to change your cause is to focus on it, using positive affirmations to point you in the direction you wish to go. In each area of your life, develop positive statements you can repeat in your mind regularly. These affirmations should be in the present tense, carefully crafted to focus you on what you really want.
7. The Law of Gender
This law describes how every seed has a gestation period. We see it in nature all the time; you plant carrot seeds, and can expect to wait about seventy days before the carrot is ready to eat. If you conceive a child, it takes about forty weeks for the baby to be born.
The same is true for ideas. They are spiritual seeds, and take time to become manifest. You must be patient when you plant a spiritual seed, an idea. It will show itself in physical form when the time is right.
Every idea that is given energy moves into the physical world. Everything in the universe has a masculine and feminine side. We see it in every person and animal, and even in the plant world.
The principle of both male and female in all things makes potential, regeneration, and motion possible. Both male and female are required for life to exist. This law demonstrates how everything comes about, how things change from what they were into what they become.
You may be familiar with some of these concepts, the structure and function of your mind, and the universal laws of the universe. Some may be completely new to you.
Understanding them is so important in the process of achieving your dreams, of living the purpose-filled life you were designed to live, of living in a way that is fulfilling and proactive.
If you're serious about making changes, about winning in life, about living up to your potential and helping everyone around you to do the same, you'll commit yourself to learning these Laws of Success.
Reflect on them, discuss them, and do all you can to comprehend them, teach them to others, too. The more aware you are about how it all works together, the more you can put these ideas and laws to work for you so that you'll experience more success and less frustration.
Laws+of+Success laws success process physical energy vibration law+of+relativity relativity universe perception law+of+vibration law+of+polarity polarity positive+vibration immutable law+of+rhythm rhythm cause+and+effect cause effects law+of+gender gender spiritual structure
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Laws of Success
Posted by
10:19 PM
Labels: cause and effect, gender, law of gender, law of polarity, law of relativity, law of rhythm, law of vibration, Laws of Success, spiritual, structure
Military Funeral
Some things just have to be shared. This is one of them.
In Texas we really do pull off the road and stop for funerals......nobody moves until the last car has gone by.
What follows is a message from Vick i Pierce about her nephew James' funeral (he was serving our country in Iraq):
"I'm back, it was certainly a quick trip, but I have to also say it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. There is a lot to be said for growing up in a small town in Texas . The service itself was impressive with wonderful flowers and sprays, a portrait of James, his uniform and boots, his awards and ribbons. There was lots of military brass and an eloquent (though inappropriately longwinded) Baptist preacher. There were easily 1000 people at the service, filling the church sanctuary as well as the fellowship hall and spilling out into the parking lot.
However, the most incredible thing was what happened following the service on the way to the cemetery. We went to our cars and drove to the cemetery escorted by at least 10 police cars with lights flashing and some other emergency vehicles, with Texas Rangers handling traffic. Everyone on the road who was not in the proc ession, pulled over, got out of their cars, and stood silently and respectfully, some put their hands over their hearts.
When we turned off the highway suddenly there were teenage boys along both sides of the street about every 20 feet or so, all holding large American flags on long flag poles, and again with their hands on their hearts We thought at first it was the Boy Scouts or 4H club or something, but it continued .. for two and a half miles. Hundreds of young people, standing silently on the side of the road with flags. At one point we passed an elementar y school, and all the children were outside, shoulder to shoulder holding flags kindergartners, handicapped, teachers, staff, everyone. Some held signs of love and support. Then came teenage girls and younger boys, all holding flags. Then adults. Then families. All standing silently on the side of the road. No one spoke, not even the very young children.
The military presence, at least two generals, a fist full of colonels, and representatives from every branch of the service, plus the color guard who attended James, and some who served with him .. was very impressive and respectful, but the love and pride from this community who had lost one of their own was the most amazing thing I've ever been privileged to witness.
I've attached some pictures, some are blurry (we were moving), but you can get a small idea of what this was like.
This is important. I don't usually publicly ask that you link to one of my posts. However, this is an exception. It needs to be shared. Please link to this post, or you have my permission to copy and reprint it.
Military funeral Texas, military+funeral
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4:16 PM