(If this is your first time on this site, you may want to begin with "Are You Prepared For Success?" [Introduction])
Please read the Section II male version, or female version, of this poem first; then read this version.
It's Not My Fault, I Used To SayIt's not my fault, I used say
The reason I'm the person I am today.
It's not my fault, if I was abused.
It's in the past, I'm no longer confused.
The government's not taking away my rights.
Worrying about hate groups no longer keeps me up nights.
All those gangs roaming the streets, it is a crime.
My kids need my love, they need my time.
I will make time for me.
Oh, dear heaven, did you hear how I used to plea?
I'm in control, I no longer sing the blues.
I now choose not to watch the nightly news.
The use of drugs, was not the cause,
I've fixed my personality and all my flaws.
That's not the one. Japan's not to blame.
Playing the victim is no longer my game.
They closed down the factory; a temporary cloud,
Whatever my name, I will wear it proud.
Space aliens do not control my brain.
I'll do it, even it it's going to rain.
The radical left and the radical right
Have no control over whether or not I fight.
Go back to school? I'm never too old.
I will never again be left out in the cold.
If I'm in a dead-end job I'll just get out.
"I can help myself", I just want to shout.
I will get the things that I need.
I know the way to succeed.
Not everyone can be a super star.
I'll find a way to travel both near and far.
Off to see distant lands;
Anything's possible, I'll start making plans.
I'll find the people who really care,
Life does not have to be so unfair.
I no longer fear failure so I will succeed,
I'll follow no one when I can lead.
I do not feel shackled, imprisoned, condemned;
I don't need a savior and I'll find a friend.
‘But, it's not my fault’, I'll never again say;
I will deal with the way things are today.
This is how I feel, with complete control.
Being a victim can sure take its toll.
I won't feel drained at the end of the day.
Not being a victim is the only way.
What a nice feeling it is to be
Taking complete responsibility;
Not for what happens to me, but for the fact
That I can control the way I react.
I look at things differently, though;
I know the limits of what I control;
I understand that no one controls how I feel.
I will determine what's false and what's real.
(An Original Poem by Mel Kaye)
I strongly suggest that you write down your immediate reaction, after passionately reading this poem.
- Refer back to the "Section (II)" "Comments" and write how you will never allow yourself to feel like a victim again.
- How does this make you feel?
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