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Names I Use

To avoid any confusion I thought it appropriate to list the names (cyber) I go by.
My Names:
Mel Kaye-(my real name), MondayMorningPower,
MMP, Killeris-(Technorati name), Powerkis-(Wordpress name), SiFiBiBi-(Original Blogger name)
Site Names:
Attitude, The Ultimate Power-(Blog name)
MondayMorningPower-(Blog AKA)
It's All About Attitude-(Blog AKA)

My email address: info (at) MondayMorningPower dot Com

Why read Monday Morning Power?

You will find a consistency and a focus in all of my content that can change your attitude which can fuel a positive change in your life, if you want it to. If you are happy with your attitude and your life and see no reason for changing, then you either already have a PMA (Positive Mental Attitude), or you are a victim and want to hold onto your misery. These postings will then serve to fortify the person with PMA, or, hopefully, convince the "victim" that there is a better way. This site will contain essays, poems, stories, humor and links, all with the same goal: The pursuit, capture, care and feeding of a Positive Mental Attitude. I have had readers tell me that they have spent hours on my site and feel great about themselves both during and after. I log onto my own site frequently to help fuel my attitude; I hope you will as well.

To My Fellow Bloggers.....

Please feel free to link my blog to yours. A dose of "Monday Morning Power" would bolster any blog, except for those that profess doom, destruction and the end of the world. If you want to use any of my content in your blog, please ask first via email or by comment. I will need to review your blog for appropriate content and then give you written permission as well as being sure that you link back.

Monday Morning Power

A dose of "Monday Morning Power" and a cup of coffee and you're ready for whatever awaits you. At a minimum you should read this blog on Monday Mornings. However, there will be new posts daily. Whenever you want to feel good, tune in and help yourself to some "Monday Morning Power." Please share this site with everyone you care about. I welcome your comments and suggestions

About Me

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My goal is to help my clients navigate the “residential investment property” market; make some money and have some fun in the process. This real estate market is ripe for the investor. In addition, I would like to help the home buyer and home seller. I am part of an 80,000+ agent network that spans all of North America. Being on the “inside” I can find you the “right” agent to handle your specific needs no matter where in North America you may reside. I have been in and arround the real estate market for most of my professional life and want to be your resource for making money in this market. I have been negotiating all of my life and want to negotiate great deals for you. Following is my contact information and my philosophies: Mel Kaye (Broker Associate) Keller Williams Realty Direct: PCH.MEL.KAYE (724.635.5293) Mobile: 805.300.1769 Fax: 888.371.1190 Email: Website: Skype: Mel.Kaye Lic #: 00742678 340 N. Westlake Blvd., Suite 100 Westlake Village, CA 91362

My blog is worth $578,088.96.
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This Site is dedicated to the development of your ATTITUDE, which is your ULTIMATE POWER. The content includes: Essays, Articles, Poems, Links, Inspirational stories, Quotes, Research, Music, an original series called the "Process" and Laughter....all focused on the
Pursuit, Capture, Care and Feeding of a Positive Mental Attitude.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Larry The Cable Guy (38 hours labor)

Are You Prepared For Success? (Installment #13)

(If this is your first time on this site, please begin with "Are You Prepared For Success [Introduction.])

To begin the process in earnest you should start by going back and re-reading all of the prior installments, including, and especially, the quotes. Try to understand what each quote is saying, and what truths they are revealing to you. It is very important that you are prepared before moving on to "Section (II)".

Certain brief sentences are peerless in their ability to give one the feeling that nothing remains to be said.

-Jean Rostand

When you have reread the previous installments you should read the rhymes in "Section (II)" (future installments) slowly and carefully so that you understand what they are saying to you. Read them every morning, as soon as you wake up, and every evening, as the last thing you do before you go to sleep. Read them as many times as possible during the day. Read them aloud, with passion to drive the messages home, and with absolute faith that the positive, success oriented, new messages will replace the negative, failure directed, old messages. Know that your desire to succeed is absolute and with the proper attitudes implanted you will succeed in whatever you attempt.

...If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.

-Henry David Thoreau

No man is free who is not master of himself.


The price of greatness is responsibility.

-Winston Churchill

Many receive advice, only the wise profit from it.


The harder I work, the luckier I get.

-Samuel Goldwyn

The purpose behind "Section (II)" is understanding and acceptance. You will need to have an open mind and remember why you are participating in this program. Chances are that you are looking for that illusive thing called "success" and you realize that something has to change in order for you to achieve it. So don't resist the messages within the rhymes. Let them flow into your subconscious. You will know, at your deepest level, that you need to let them in and accept them. The more you read them (repetition) and the more passion you put into the readings the sooner you will believe the messages, and the closer you will be to attaining success.

It shouldn't be difficult for anyone to resist temptation to force himself into the pattern of being average. One needs only to remember that a groove may be safe-but as one wears away at it, the grove becomes first a rut and finally a grave..

-J. Paul Getty

Once you understand what messages the rhymes are relating to you and you’re ready to accept the messages as truths that can be yours, you will be ready to move onto "Section (III)".

Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimentions.

-Oliver Wendell Holmes

The transition between "Section (II)" and "Section (III)" is one of the most important aspects of The Process. It's the difference between:

  • Knowing how to sing and singing
  • Planning to take a vacation and taking a vacation
  • Wanting a new car and owning a new car

Thoughts determine what you want…

Action determines what you get!

-Monday Morning Power

The messages within these rhymes are intended to EMPOWER you so that you can take control of your life and achieve the success that you deserve. As you acquire the positive attitudes you also gain the complete confidence that nobody knows what you want, or what you are able to accomplish, better than you do. This is part of the control over your own life that you will gain.

People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates.

-Thomas Szasz

By Mel Kaye (MondayMorningPower)
Copyright © MondayMorningPower, All rights Reserved