(If this is your first time on this site, you may want to begin with "Are You Prepared For Success?" [Introduction])
If you are a regular reader of my Empowerment Process please read the Section II version of this poem first; then read this version.
There is nothing to take its place.
Not even with talent, can I make a case.
In this world, it's a common sight,
To have all the talent without the fight.
The brains of a genius, is not what it takes;
It would be nice, little chance for mistakes.
But as I look about, I continue to see
"Un-rewarded genius", a proverb be.
Education will take me only part of the way.
It is important, I will start today.
I am forewarned, as I see all around,
Educated derelicts, a penny a pound.
The most important ingredient in winning, I see,
Is that of persistence, that is the key.
I will never give up, because I wish to rise.
Persistence, more than anything, will win me the prize.
(An Original Poem by Mel Kaye)
I strongly suggest that you write down your immediate reaction, after passionately reading this poem.
- What current goals will you achieve by being persistent?
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